Saturday, March 19, 2011

good things to report...

my DH ran up to the store and came back with this...
if you guessed a cadbury egg, you're right...
but what kind of cadbury egg did you ask?
orange creme...
ok, I know I don't get out and have no clue anymore what happens in the real world...
but I had no idea that these exsisted...
they are my new favorite...
it was yummy...
yep, it's gone...
in the door long enough to get a couple shots and that's all she wrote...
and now to show you what my BF, Rebecca, found rummage saling this week...
yep, my bestie found one already...
you won't pull one over on her...
she is on the move and she doesn't miss much...
she has this built in radar...
she found 50 cent gallon zip lock bags of lace...
stuff full...
all colors...
all sizes...
yards and yards and yards of lace...
wonderful lace...
to make more flowers...
and snagged it all for me...

for an old lady who doesn't get out...
I get the coolest stuff delivered to me...
thank you, Rebecca, for always shopping for me...
and DH for keeping me in chocolate...

it got down to 32 last night with a slight frost this morning...
so we are kinda sitting around waiting for it to warm up a bit before we head outside...
but the sun is shining so it shouldn't take long...
did you know it's hard to put sunblock on when you have goose bumps?


  1. Chocolates and Lace- very sweet.

  2. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    Looks like you got the Royal treatment today. Candies for the sweet tooth and lace to create. WOW. I love laces, and when I see them packaged, I snatch it up even if I don't need it, gotta have it.

    My oldest son has always loved the Cadbury eggs. Even at 34 he still expects a package each year from yes, The East Bunny. Still hops on by with his eggs for him. Some kids never grow up. I have to admit though, I have never seen the orange creme, so this must be something new. I will have to check with him.

    Have a glorious weekend sweetie. Have you moved in to your new booth as of yet? It's ashame that it has to be in the back of the store, which isn't accessible for you. I am praying for a booth up close, so that you can decorate to your heart's content.

    Have a good one sweetie. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  3. Tete- Chocolate and lace-what more could a woman ask for? Well, maybe a cup of hot something (coffee in my case) to wash the chocolate down with. Cadbury eggs? I have not seen those...I wonder where they find the chickens that produce those little suckers? I can see you are gonna be on a new kick now, aren't you? You'll be having the old boy drive into town at midnight when the hankering strikes...if he's smart he will buy a few dozen and hide them around the house and let you stumble upon them at odd times...or hide them in the van and go get them on request! Just a thought! xxoo Diana

  4. think of all the things you are going to make with that lace!

  5. I have not seen the orange ones, but now I'm craving one. I try to limit myself to just a few Cadbury eggs each year. I would eat them every day if I would let myself. LOVE them.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!