Saturday, March 19, 2011

I was stupid...

here I was sitting out in the sun...
and the wind...
with it 42...
it looked nice...
but it wasn't...
I got so chilled...
I didn't stay long...
but it was too long for me...
been paying for it all day...
so later...
after it warmed up the guys went back out and cleaned...
the iris bed out between the trees and little fence...
it got up to 56...
I should have waited...
but the wind is so cold today...
little buds on the rose bush...
and green in the stems...
the sap is up...
little red buds and small leaves on the maple trees...
crocus are just happy little flowers...
I have sat and watched the birds feed this afternoon...
they are getting fatter and look so much better than last week...

I am still praying for Japan...
and now for our armed forces ...
as we once again get involved in another "conflict"...
I do not understand what is going on there...
but it's their civil fighting...
and these countries are always fighting themselves and someone steps in and tries to stop them...
crazy world we live in...
if all of the leaders of the world were bloggers...
or if bloggers were the leaders of the world...
now that sounds better...
the world would have a happy face...


  1. It is so exciting to see everything budding out and green shooting up from the ground. I have racked and cleaned all day. Blessings!

  2. Well, I am sure that you were so excited to get outside that you weren't paying too much mind to the wind chill. I'm sorry that you are achy today...but glad that you are seeing some green. We are a few weeks away from any green yet. I can't wait either! xxoo Diana

  3. I cleaned out my iris bed yesterday. It was hot when I was working on it, but as soon as I sat down I started getting cold and went back inseide. I think I'm trying to rush spring this year. Wait, I think it's officially here tonight isn't it.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!