Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guess what the winds blew in....

by mid afternoon yesterday...
the wind had really picked up...
and even with it still warm...
the wind got cooler and cooler...
and it brought in some serious big white clouds...
at first...
then they got darker...
and everything was blown over and around and you couldn't even stand to be out there...
and through the night the temp dropped...
and this morning...
it's 32...
and it's spitting S*#@...
and we are back to our normal spring weather for here on the prairie...
at least we are not shoveling...
need to do some house cleaning and laundry anyway...
and to cheer you up, and me, too...
so you can do something fun today...
have a good one!


  1. i have a old pie safe on the back porch to keep some of my garden things in and I discovered this am that the wind ripped one of the doors off :( I think Bob can fix it. just came from cutting my tete daffodils and it is s@%## abit!!

  2. What lovely postcards! And those clouds!!! I love those cloud photos. They fill my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  3. Same here! It's hard to believe it was a whoppin' 77 out when I was cleanin' out my rose garden then those 'wild' winds drove in the cold. Today the fire in the fireplace feels great and I'm not workin' and flower gardens today....too cold. Now where the heck is Spring hidin'???? :o)

    God bless ya sweetie and have a marvelous day!!!

  4. Guess What???? I'm Online, now it is SUPER SLOW (Dial Up) it actually took about 5 minutes to load your page, but I am So Thankful to be Back! Thanks to My Daughter & SIL.... On Tuesday, I didn't think this was ever going to happen, because the phone company here is NOT My Friend anymore.... ( I will send you an email later on) Slow or Not, I am Grateful to be back ONLINE!!!!
    xox talk more later

  5. For some unknown reason this weather has been crazy everywhere this year. It was much cooler here today as well. We need rain. I love your cards.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!