Wednesday, March 23, 2011

our walk today...

it just hit 70...
I have no clue where the rain ended up...
but it hasn't come here...
train engine...
on our way to go from one end of our street to the other...
our north lot...
the sky is so blue today...
our little willow...
started him from a cutting 3 years ago...
and now the other end of the street...
couldn't really get a lot of photos in between...
both dogs were on my lap...
looking south across the field...
coming back I got a few trees starting to bud out...
our big old twisted hybrid popular...
grated with a cotton wood...
the curly things are sprouting on it...
coming back home...
and we rested a while and sat in the sun...
Craig pushed me down and back and chased Robbie a few times...
and Bebe who took off across the field...
and we sat in the sun...
2 days for me and I'm tan now...
but I will get darker... 
but at least I'm not winter white anymore...
so then, we cleaned this little area today...
there was a cart full of leaves here!
I knew it was bad, but I thought a little bad...
everything needs blown off and hosed off...
but it's too soon to be hooking the hose up yet...
'cause we got colder days coming after today....

we are making beef and noodles for supper...
I'm going to go get my shower and take a short nap...
I am not as sore as yesterday and just a little tired...

I haven't been hopping yet...
been enjoying this unusually warm weather...
because it's not going to last and I won't be able to go out for a few more weeks...
and this should be out last day of it...
I will have time enough for hopping when the highs are in the 40s..

I sure hope you are having a very fine Wednesday....
and the birds are singing just for you...
Hugs- Tete


  1. Hi Tete, Thanks for the tour of your neighbrohood and (earlier post) your yard. It truly does look like spring! I am glad you are seeing the gorgeous 70s. Spring is truly a miracle!
    Blessings, Beth

  2. Well at least someone is enjoying a blue sky... the weather here in NJ is definitely a strange mix.. Snow, rain, ice, sleet, thunder, lightening... someone definitely made Mother Nature upset today in the Garden State!

  3. Good Evening Tete,
    I always look forward to seeing your beautiful photographs. They are so much fun to look at...we were suppose to get rain the last two days but nothing and we are drier in humidity wise than Death Valley which is rare. Lots and lots of fires.
    How did you start your willow cutting...I think...this is me personally that cottonwood trees were not a plan of God....they are the most annoying tree with all that cotton blowing every where...I disliked them even as a child and I love, love, love trees but not those cottonwood's. They grow tall fast and every wind that comes up blow their limbs every where....but the big allergy causer in Oklahoma is red cedar and it burns fast in a fire...there are some people who think every red cedar should be destroyed because they catch fire so easily and they are all over Ok.
    I have missed talking to you...I pray you feel good real soon.
    hugs to you sweet Tete
    Simply Debbie

  4. the grass is looking green!! Now we have to put up with a week of 40 and cloudy...with S word


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!