Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It was an awesome day....

Yesterday was a fun day...
it seemed like everywhere I went...
there I was...
check this out...

I found this...

My friend Tete, at
Beyond the Garden Gate has some of the cutest Easter images for you.  Please go take a look, and be sure to scroll down a few posts where she has more, with cuteness posts between them all. 
Monday Blessings
barbara jean

and she posted one of the Easter images that I had on yesterdays post...
so cute...

then, I hopped on over to A Sentimental Life...
to find this from Ann...
These are my Tete Daffodils, I love them. They make me think of my friend Tete from Beyond the Garden Gate, so sweet, so pretty and they bring a smile to my face!

no isn't that just too sweet! 
now, they will always be Tete Daffodils in my mind, too...
it was so much fun to have a flower named after me...

but that's not all!
there's more!

I got a comment from Jeannie B at The Old Fashioned Baby Sewing Room...
she wanted to know if it was ok to snag a quote off of my blog and use it in hers....
like I could ever say no to a request like that...
and this is what she posted...

 found this Erma Bombeck quote on the blog Beyond The Garden Gate.

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me... -Erma Bombeck

that just made my day...
it's the best thing when we share and pass things on...
isn't it just a wonderful world we have here?
so full of love, acceptance, and support...
I am so blessed to call you all friends...
God must love me so much to have placed you all in my life...
Have a great day and grin every chance you get!


  1. You are loved by so many Tete! :) Me included!! Have a great day!

  2. That is so wonderful when friends mention you. You are special to all of us. Hugs.

  3. Good morning Tete,
    Doesn't it make you feel special when you find others mentioning your name in their posts? You are loved by many! Thank you for your visit and your nice comment. I hope you are having a delightful day!


  4. You are well loved, Tete! What a blessing-just as you are a blessing to all of us that know you! xxoo Diana

  5. Right back at u! for mentioning me! I am so far behing reading, when I work a couple of days I get behind...left for work at 0445 and just got home an hr ago..so somedays I am too dog tired to read!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!