Tuesday, March 29, 2011

our day...

it started out gloomy...
Boofy talking to the birdies...
so, I asked Craig to pick a few daffodils to bring inside...
they were trying to open...
and then this afternoon after my nap...
we went out and sat in the partly sunny afternoon...
Craig did a little work...
can't wait to take the hose to all of this and get things washed up....
and start planting pots!
the sky is like this today...
and this is where I sat...
and then we came back in...
and these were open...
all they need was a little warmth...
hope you had a fun day...
we are trying to figure out what to do for supper....
looks like a slop night...


  1. Daffodiles are beautiful.. Love your green bench.. We still got some snow on the ground here. It was sunny all day until dinner hours..Have a great day.

  2. I'm almost afraid to ask what "slop night" is...sloppy joes? Or..you all sit around in sloppy clothes? Or...you slop around the house in the altogether? Or...you eat out of a trough? Like I said...afraid to ask...

    Love your daffodils. I can't believe that you have them along that far. I am beginning to feel like Spring is never coming to WI. xxoo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!