Saturday, March 5, 2011


that dirty word is back...
and it's flying through the air...
and now it's starting to stick...
gonna have to dig out Bebe's sweater again...
get the mittens and hide the sunblock...
good thing we haven't put the S*#@ shovel up...

WARNING: the following photos contain S*#@...
taking donations for a one way ticket to the North Pole for Jack Frost...

you know...
mom had tulips bloom in June when her and dad were first married and had bought a new home...
she misread the directions...
she planted them 12 inches deep instead of 12 inches apart...
took them awhile to get their little heads to pop out of the dirt...
the neighbor ladies thought she was this gardening genius...
they all flocked to mom's yard...
only to realize the village idiot had moved into the neighborhood...
mom loved to tell that story...
her proof that miracles can happen to goofballs, too...


  1. That is so funny about your mom and her tulips! I am surprised that they came up! It has been snowing here almost all day, too. Yuck! Started out as rain, thought we were thru with winter! Guess s@#& happens!!!

  2. Can't believe I'm telling this but I planted my first tulip bulbs upside down.I guess they came up in China they didn't come up here!
    I have since learned and have pretty tulips every year, lol.

  3. Well the good thing is that in March the S%*! doesn't stick around too long. Here in NJ we're getting rain and lots of it..

    That's a great story about your mom.. my mom once planted all her asparagus roots upside down! Then had to dig them all up when I told her "ah.. no... that's not how to plant them". Guess what.. she's got lots of asparagus each and every year! :) Have a great day!

  4. We're supposed to get rain today if that makes you feel s*#@ is one closer to spring. That was funny about you mom and the tulips.

  5. sorry about the s#$%^
    but you made me giggle! better not be any S next weekend when I am home!!!

  6. Well heck, I woke up to it here in Ohio! I was thinking I was going to try to do some yard work this week. Hah!

  7. What a funny story about your Mom...I am surprised the things bloomed at all...guess God was smiling on her gardening efforts.

    And, I can see by your title, that I am going to have to wash your mouth out with another Four letter S word...that would be Soap (thought I had better clarify that) xxoo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!