Sunday, March 6, 2011

a thought...

Some people confuse acceptance with apathy, but there's all the difference in the world. Apathy fails to distinguish between what can and what cannot be helped; acceptance makes that distinction. Apathy paralyzes the will-to-action; acceptance frees it by relieving it of impossible burdens. -Arthur Gordon


  1. love the photo...And the quote too. Powerful words. I always thought of apathy as disengaging from what you know as reality but basically giving up in heart and mind and telling yourself you don't care so that you don't have to face your measure of accountability to act.....letting yourself drown in self pity or not grabbing on to strength to take on whatever comes your way because you know GOD is there...
    Acceptance is so healthy. Acknowledging that it is what it is and now let's get down to business. What can I do to make this better or possibly change it??? Doing MY part while God is allowing whatever it is go come my way...Do I see it from my eyes....apathy...or from God's ways.....COURAGE! Not taking on more than God meant for me to handle, but still moving forward! RAH! Love the post...hugs to you TETE...Have a good Sunday.

  2. Great graphic.

    I think apathy is a sin of the worst sort...closing your eyes to what is going on around you and being an ostrich....I hope I am never accused of being apathetic! xxoo Diana

  3. good words to ponder on a rainy Sunday....I hope I am never apathetic. Right or wrong I hope I always take a stand instead of hiding behind apathy!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!