Wednesday, March 2, 2011

sun spots happen...

Daphne loves them...
but today, Doofus hid his face to nap...
I love doilies on the backs of the chairs...
and light sparkling the sparklers...

got a phone call from my bestie this afternoon after she saw the post with the silk flowers...
I had to assure her that they were already back inside...

I had trouble trying to find a background today...
I kept trying them on only to find I didn't like it...
then I finally found this one...
you just know when it's the right one...

kitchen clean up...done...
comments read...done...
blog hopping...getting to it now...

have  a fun night!


  1. Hope you have a wonderful night, Tete! Glad you hid the evidence of your crime before your BFF came over and ripped it out by its plastic roots! lol

    Sounds like you had a pretty good day!xxoo Diana

  2. Love the photos, lacy and light like your charming blog design! And of course your sun-dappled cats are delightful dozing in the sun...:}

    Imagination Lane

  3. Cute photos Tete. The sun really makes me feel better. Have a great day.

  4. I think you told Doofus to "put your hands up!" he thought it was a holdup!!

    ah sunshine wish I could of seen it!

  5. Oh to be a little furball basking in the sunlight!
    love your photos Tete!

  6. What pretty kitties! And I really love your crystal pedestal. Why, it's almost glittery! Hope you are over that tummy flu and feeling much better:)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!