Thursday, March 17, 2011

to give hope to those of you who still have snow...

front flower bed...
and 69 degrees...
Craig's new rake...
$6.99 at True Value...
on sale this month...
and it works great!
cleaning out the winter crud...
cart after cart full...
and look at the green that's already up!
and there's flies!
sedum is up...
day lilies and even mums...
even saw some weeds there! 
the wind is so strong...
and some of the leaves blew right back in...
Bebe had to watch...
there is a lot more to do, but with every bed...
it feels better...
Robbie has been a bad boy...
he ran off yesterday afternoon and he ran off this morning...
bad dogs have to have the leash on...
Bebe stays with me where ever I am...
not Robbie...
he has his own minds and isn't listening anymore...
more puppy training ahead for this little guy...
maybe we can get a hose hooked up this weekend so we can start washing off the yuck of winter...

I have been having really good days in spite of the sinus trouble...
but not today...
I am achy...
we have rain coming and I can feel it in my bones...
I don't think it's going to be good...
but I have upped my PT for the upper body...
and I have been walking inside and out...
I still sit in my chair outside...
I don't want to push too hard and over do and get down...
slow and steady wins the race...
and since I can't be the hare anymore...
I have to do it the turtle way...

I have the kitchen window open...
it's good to blow the stink out!
Oh my gosh!
it just hit 71...
it's spring, it's spring!
oh yeah...
grabbin' the sunblock, my shades and out I go again...
need to dig out the shorts and tank tops soon...

the best feeling is green grass under bare feet...
minus glass, rocks and bees...
I can't wait!

hope  your day is green!
every shade of green...


  1. Glad you all are enjoying some nice weather now.

  2. Your Home is looking great, Love all the green coming up. I sure am loving the 68 degrees we had here today.... I am at My Cousins again, she made the Best Corned Beef & Cabbage dinner, it melted in my mouth, now I am stuffed & almost ready for her hot tub ~ I love that I am able to post & check in on My Bestest Buds! I am going over Mandy's tomorrow, I am going to try join in on Vintage Inspiration Friday (Debra of Common Ground) I feel so out of the loop..... Well, I will talk to you tomorrow, Keep sending this Spring Time weather My Way... Miss Ya xox

  3. Great job Tete! The beds are looking great...

  4. Your beds are looking good! Bebe and Robbie are so cute! Skipper said to tell Robbie not to feel bad, he runs off too every chance he gets. So if his feet hit the ground he is on a leash.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!