Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Top of the mornin' to you...

have you ever been busy?
doing nothing?
that's what I've been doing...

have been doing fine...
better than fine...
it happened...
the Dork of Earl...
(that's DH when he's bad)
got up the night before last...
too hot...
yes, lassies, he's having hot flashes...
and decides to turn the heat down without his glasses on...
I woke in the wee morning hours froze stiff...
sore throat, stuffy head...
to find the thermostat was on 58...
with our bathroom window open...
it was in the 40s in there...
the coughing, sneezing, watery eye thing is back...
not as bad as before...
but here I sit with my juice and box of kleenex...
and the Dork of Earl is in hot water...
especially after killing time earlier in the week...

and  you know there is always a but...
the sun is shining this morning...
and it's really wet out there after all the rain...
but if it gets up to 50...
I'm going outside with my box of kleenex...
I hope you all have a really good day...
and your menfolk use their braincells today...
cause it's frustrating when they don't...


  1. Men! Gotta love them even through their imperfections.. :)

  2. Oops......a big oops! But you get that kleenex and head on outside 'cause it's gonna be a bee-u-ti-ful day! :)

  3. I hope you get feeling better, your so right, sometimes my DH doesn't use his Braincells either...LOL! have a nice day! Jennifer


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!