Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's time to flood Heaven...

for the children...
these images broke my heart...
the children who may have survived the earth quake and tsunami...
may not live to be adults...
what they are being exposed to and will continue to be exposed to...
some will go on to face their fate alone...
without their families support...
and parents with children are waiting in long lines just for a little rice and water...
not only are their homes gone...
some whole towns were swept out to sea...
how long before their lives are normal again?
it will never be the same...
and in the meantime...
where do they live?
how do they eat?
how many will die because they cannot survive the aftermath?
we need to carry on their prayers when they are too tired to do it for themsleves...
we need to flood Heaven on their behalf...
every morning at 9am and every evening at 9pm...
I am going to set aside time to pray for the children of Japan...
because they are cold...
they are hungry...
and they are scared...
feel free to join me...


  1. This post brought me to tears, Tete. I am with you 100%..and I continue to pray for all of them. God bless that country and its countrymen. xxoo Diana

  2. Oh... Those pics just break my heart. Thanks for posting...
    such a beautifully written post.
    I will join you.

  3. I'm new to your blog today and this post just touched my heart... No child or family should have to go through this..I'll pray along side you as well...my heart and prayers go out to all those in need...Jennifer

  4. I'll be on My Knee's right along side You.... Praying!

  5. Your post is so touching. You are such a dear, sweet person! Love you. Hugs, Honey.

  6. So sad and you are right....at times like this all we can do is pray and that is a powerful thing. Touching heaven...changing earth. You go girl! Blessings!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!