Sunday, March 20, 2011

Want to stroll?

the guys are all ready...
a few little crocus bulbs that didn't get in the ground last year...
so I stuck them in a basket...
I took one of the boxes of new solar lights with me...
and we put out 6 of them today...
they will be blooming soon...
we went down to the neighbor's and he was out...
so we sat and talked to him awhile...
that's our place from his driveway...
did you ever wonder what your neighbor's see when they look your way?
more sedum...
I lost a nut off my front wheel...
hardware store is closed on Sundays...
they close at noon on Saturday...
Craig will make a run up there tomorrow and get more screws and nuts...
stuck a solar light in here...
something is coming up...
but not sure what...
more of it...
whatever it is...
and looky here...
the lilac budded this morning...
just these 2 so far...
and my metal crosses just get to lookin' better ever year...
look at that rust...
I hope you had fun walking with me today...
even though it was cut short...
come back again when I get my wheels fixed...
and we'll go a bit longer next time...

Dh and Bebe got their haircuts today...
Bebe has an owie...
got that boiled out and honey on it...
then, Dh made a grocery run for a bland diet...
and when I came back in from my walk...
there was another orange creme cadbury egg on my desk...

I need a shower...
clean clothes...
and then I'm going to eat that egg...
do not pass them up if you find them...
they even smell good!


  1. Oh Tete,
    I loved taking this walk with you. Your little guys look so eager to begin..hahaha..I think that unknown flower coming up might be a peony? Do you have them? it looks like it to me? I'm not good at recalling things like that..
    Hope you get your chair fix as it's nice to be out and about!

  2. I'm glad you had a pretty day to enjoy the outside. Your yard looks like there will blooms all over soon. Very pretty.

  3. I loved strolling along with you...and it is nice to see some green there. We had snow today!!! Can you believe it? I need to get some solar lights too and put them around in the garden areas. Glad you got out for a while! xxoo Diana

  4. Hi Tete, Thanks for the tour! Spring has arrived! I have been working out in the garden quite a bit the past few days. My daffodils are not as tall as yours but they are coming along. I think your unknown flower is a tulip - that is what the shape resembles to me. As I say with my unknowns, Time will tell!
    Blessings and hugs, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!