Sunday, March 20, 2011

more Easter images...

I love this image...
and this one...
and this bright one...

I need prayer for Craig today...
last night while I was talking to Rebecca on the phone...
Craig started spitting up blood...
he has been having trouble with heart burn lately...
not a lot of blood...
but with all the other aymtoms...
a sure sign of a bleeding ulcer...
have him on a bland diet...
and limiting his intake and when he eats...
and honey to kill the bacteria...

years ago, I ruptured a disk in my back...
and the nerves that were pinched were the ones that went to the liver and gall bladder...
shortly after, I started having gall bladder attacks...
18 months of it...
when they finally scoped me...
top and bottom...
they found the start of ulcers in the stomach...
and open ulcers in my intestines...
the best antiacid is water...
delute the acid...
and eating cooked cabbage for one week will completely heal an ulcer...
just a spoonful  with every meal...
and it really works...
a dealer buddy of mine shared that with me once...
we were set up doing a show and she knew I was having problems...
she grabbed me a pulled me around a corner and told me that...
it sure does work...

I also had acid reflex so bad...
the dr said I would never be able to lay down ever again...
that I would have to sleep sitting up in a chair...
my stomach flap was toast and even if we got it healed up...
it would be so scarred...
that it was beyond help...

yeah, he was wrong about that, too...
I haven't had acid reflex in years...
I sleep flat every night...

do you have tummy problems?
a lot of people do...

my dad had ulcers...
my father in law popped rolaids all the time...
my mom had problems...

you can also have too little acid...
that will give you heartburn...
a little bit of vinegar will stop it in 5 seconds flat...
I use pickle juice when I start in...
if it works that fast...
you know then that you didn't have enough acid...

well, that certainly isn't where I thought I was going with this post...
but I have had so many leave comments that they have some of the same problems that I do...
and with fibro and IBS...
the drs don't know a lot about it...
what causes it...
and they try to treat it by trial and error until they find something that works...
so, hopefully, this will help someone...

and remember Craig...
he has to change his eating habits...
and he has to face that he is getting older and can't get away with certain things anymore...
he has to eat healthy whether he likes it or not...


  1. Saying a prayer for Craig. My grandmother did not have any (or much) acid in her she took vinegar every day of life..and I do believe it worked for her. I have had some ulcers in the past from the anti-inflammatory I take and do what I can to keep things at bay. I had never heard that about the cabbage...but I do believe that there are a lot of old wives' remedies that work! Thanks- Diana the images...epecially the one of the baby chicks in the shells.

  2. Prayers for Craig and thanks for the info, good info for sure and the vinegar is good for everything, a teaspoon once a day, a cure for many things. I didn't know about the cabbage thanks for sharing. Hugs Marilou

  3. Beautiful Easter pics...Thank you for that info, I have problems with acid reflux and never tried anything like this...I'll give it a try. If you would like, come visit my blog and enter my giveaway! have a nice sunday, Jennifer

  4. Tete, saying a prayer for Craig.Tell him to leave off the caffine, my weakness.
    I've battled reflux for 10 yrs. The acid brings on my asthma.It's a chair or three pillows for me. I haven't heard about the cabbage.I will give it a try. Thanks for sharing.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!