Thursday, April 7, 2011

the awakening...

today, under cloudy skies...
this one was not planted here...
even weeds are pretty...
and that's what happened today...
the rain is coming!
I took tons of photos today...
here, there and yonder...
I have got plenty to post if I get rained out the next few days...
Happy Thursday!


  1. Awww, sweetie, your pictures are so springy! Ugh, not much spring here ... colder than a patooty today, again. Rain coming in here also.

    And, yes, weeds can be beautiful. I used to say that God loved His weeds more than his flowers since they didn't need maintenance & were everywhere.

    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~


  2. The pics are great! I am excited to see things blooming. I want
    April showers bring May flowers. Blessings!

  3. Hi Sweetie...
    Your share today is absolutely beautiful. I love seeing all of these gorgeous flowers/weeds. DH came home dragging a couple of weeds just this week that he found on his walk, and he just had to plant them. Lord only knows what we may be growing next.

    I love seeing the clouds. So pretty. Your hyacinths, daffodils and even the dandelions look gorgeous.

    Hope you had a beautiful day today sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  4. Oh how wonderful it is to be out doors with nature all around us..enjoying every minute and capturing the beauty to share with friends...lovely...

  5. your daffodils are just gorgeous. My tulips opened up today and my neighbors red bud is about ready!

  6. What great photos, Tete! I especially love the violets! I've missed you! Between getting ready for our move, and having a reallhy bad case of the flu, I've not been blogging at all. The movers packed up today, so we are living in our motor home til we pull out on Sunday. And I just got a new laptop, so i can stay connected on the road, til we get to Washington State! Hope you are doing well:) hugs!

  7. Love the photos! Thanks for entering my giveaway.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!