Friday, April 8, 2011

our ride around town yesterday...

we went to get the mail, stop by the store and then we stopped by Martha's...
we needed eggs and it was time to grab the weekly local paper...
all 8 pages of it...
and we saw a few signs of spring along the way...

things are just popping up over night...
love this tulip tree!
daffodils are everywhere...
and they were out in bunches at the golf coarse...
and just look how green...
and while Craig ran into Martha's...
I grabbed the camera and started shooting...
the mason work on the bank...
and there's  Martha's...
she sells a little bit of everything...
rents movies and games...
and is just so funny...
and it being a small town and all...
I needed a birthday card for my dad...
his last one...
so Craig went in to grab all the dad birthday cards and bring them out to me so I could pick one...
try that in a big town...
she only hsd one for dad that wasn't from a child...
and it was a keeper...
so Craig went back in and paid for it and grabbed an easter card for dad, too...
and then we drove around some more...
without the heat on and the windows half down...
there's more photos coming later of a couple other places I want to show you...
but between now and then, I need to come up with a pink saturday post...
clueless again...
I have been thinking on it...
wish a pink tulip would bloom or something pink!
need to go through my postcard images again...
some weeks it comes easy and some it don't...
well, better get back to bed!


  1. Woohoo! So glad you are getting a little spring! I can't imagine living where it is still cold at this time of year! I have been in Florida most of my 53 years!
    Have a great day!

  2. All ways good to see the Charleston courier!!!

  3. ps I played on that golf course in HS when I was on the golf team and we would play Oakland!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!