Saturday, April 9, 2011

bizzy bees...

we've been working it...
dismantled the deck and started over...
Jean Pierre has been jailed for going wee wee on the flowers...
put the chandy here...
table is back...
lunch and supper in the open air...
Doug came up this morning and helped a bunch!
scare crow back in place...
going to move him down some or something...
it's just not right...
moved one of the park benches here, too...
it looks good out here by the fence and rose bush...
DH taking a much needed break...
he even growled...
lemon balm...
it spread too far...
Boofy Lynn checking out all the "new" stuff...
animals notice when you change things up...
it was so nice to sit in the sun before lunch...
Doug got a  little mud on his shoes...
but my guy at lunch with us...
hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and pork and beans...
DH cooked while we were still finishing up outside...
we came in to help and it was done!
I ate my fish sticks...
this last week has so caught up with me...
sore, sore, sore...
but it's the stiff that's getting me...
but it was fun!
and I am going to do it again as soon as I can move...
the rain lasted until about 9am...
got 2.5 inches and it was much needed...
then the sun came out and it's a warm 74 with little to no wind...
could use a little more breeze...
we actually sweated! 
sent Craig to the store and waiting on a slushi !
first of the season !
can't wait until the pool opens for that first hot fudge sundae !
sending spring blessings and song birds your way!


  1. I love how your guys help you...and I know that they just adore if they complain a bit just ignore it!;>) I love your chippy old door...and your setting-so glad you can get outside and enjoy it. Have you ever tried to wrap yourself in an electric blanket on low? I do that almost year round cuz I am an "achy one" too. That seems to help me.

    I hope your Sunday will be wonderful...and that the sun continues to shine and that you don't fry your cat up for dinner by mistake -or sumthin' (as SweetCheeks says)...xxoo Diana

  2. Wonderful old door, chandy, and birdcage!!

  3. Looks like work but you have such great helpers and it will be so nice when done. Cute guy in the birdcage

  4. Oh so fun!! Looks ownderful. Of course love your old shabby door, and anything rusty if great for me!!

    barbara jean

    PS Thanks for all your visits. I'm blessed each time I see you have come by. =)

  5. You are so lucky to have such wonderful men helping you out! Makes things happen so much faster with help! xoox, tracie
    ps - love your little bird cage w/the jailed ant...

  6. Dear Tete,
    I AM SOOOOOOOOO IN LOVE...LUV...lOvE.....With your white chippy is gorgeous.
    I would have to have that beautiful thing inside.
    It has been stifling hot in the house and that miser Mr. Simply finally turned on the air conditioner...I don't care if it is April....when it is hot, it is
    Your yard looks so pretty. Until we find out about Richards' back, there is just me for yard work and it isn't getting done any time too fast. I have beautiful bouquets of dandelions through out the back yard. OKLAHOMA CITY AND SURROUNDING AREAS HAS JUST ABOUT BURNED DOWN WITH THE DROUGHT AND ALL THE HIGH WINDS. There are serious grass fires that have burned hundreds of acres and sadly some of them have been set on purpose. They have required a black hawk helicopter with its' bambi bag to help fight fires from above. Just about the whole state is under a burn ban with no cooking outdoors.
    I'm sorry you are so sore.
    Silly me...I thought Craig was your husband.....until this post
    Love and Hugs
    Simply Debbie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!