Saturday, April 9, 2011

today's blessings...

our red maple...
scare crow moved and the thermometer is not right at all...
time to get a new one...
it was 74 today...
the park bench will come in handy for me this summer...
Boofy and Bebe...
things really popped today with the morning rain and warm sunshine...
a different daffodil...
our first moth!
Craig and friends...
DH putting the child's gate up to keep the dogs from getting out...
another day done...
full of blessings and family...
I know my guys love me...
they are here every weekend...
with me...


  1. Oh Tete, It is so nice that we can be out doors with nature and our little doggies...I dont have a dog but one day I hope too. It was a sunny warm day here at last. Butch and I spent the day raking and enjoying all the shoots we see coming up. Oh joy, oh joy..spring has sprung! Happy Days are here again...

  2. What a nice day you had! I see that you got your gate up to keep the babies in! We use one of those to keep our littlest guy from falling down the steps...although he has learned to go down them now standing up.

    I can't believe the difference the last few days made at your place. Everything is so green!!!! And your plants are looking lovely and your plant beds are all cleaned up.

    Enjoy your Sunday...I'm thinking of picking up SweetCheeks & Co just for kicks! Maybe I should kick myself before I go?;>) Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!