Monday, April 4, 2011

Craig and I drove around this morning...

a tulip tree blooming...
notice no traffic...
old church...
do you have these signs out in the country...?
I think they are supposed to stop people from driving into the fields...
they don't always work...
green and water...
clumps of grass...
back home and the lilac...
filling in....
and we have more work to do...
and more sticks down...
pavers holding down the cushions....
all signs of spring courtesy of God...
blooms, leaves, green, gray skies and rain...
and just overnight, more trees are leafing out...
we may not get everything right when we want it...
but when it's His time...
He does it good...
spring blessings to you!

coming soon...
farmer's pie...

1 comment:

  1. I love to go for rides in the country, it's one of my fav things to do when I go home to Ohio! I don't do it here though, it's just not the same, no rolling hills, no pretty farms. Oh and I am so jealous you have a Lilac, they don't grow here at all.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!