Monday, April 4, 2011

more of yesterday...

had a bumpy night off and on...
but so far so good today...
I just didn't feel like getting all of these on last night...
so just sit back and enjoy...
getting ready to haul the last load to the land fill...
Craig stacking his fire wood...
needin' some paint...
my grape hyacinths are so old, they sure don't have a lot of color to them...
bed post...
Mr Wiggles and Doofus playing around...
my guy...
plowed fields are everywhere...
and after the sun came out...
I thought we had better get the chair out of the fire pit and back where it belongs...
and found more things coming up...
look how dry our dirt was...
little wagon back in it's spot...
little green leaves...
and the sun...
which isn't happenin' here today at all...
maybe tomorrow...
but cloudy days are the best kind of days for naps...
and blogging...
it was 72 when DH left for work this morning and it's 48 at almost noon...
we are to be in the 30s tonight...
got the windows shut and the furnace back on...
making farmer's pie for supper...
have a great day and smile!


  1. so fun that you get to get out in the yard & get some things done. That must feel so good! I adore that rusty 'ol flower that you plan to paint....(although, i think it's really sweet just the way it is!)...xoox, Tracie

  2. What's Farmers Pie? Looks like spring is trying to stay at your place. Have a great day.

  3. Glad you are feeling better-but sorry you had such a rough night. I visited some gal (Sparkle Bright) that posted on your previous blog and told her that you and I were sisters- lol Told her we were related by wackiness!;>) I told her you were all nice and sweet on HER blog but that you were real sassy when you visited me!

    Glad you got your chair out of the fire pit..I was getting worried that you would be sitting there and someone might light a fire under you. My father used to say there were a couple of guys he would like to light a fire under!;>)

    I love that little wagon of yours and that you have such wonderful men in your life! xxoo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!