Sunday, April 24, 2011

God's handiwork...

we started out with a half inch of rain...
then partly sunny skies and it's now back to rain clouds...
but while the sun kept trying to peek through...
we went for a walk around the yard...
and admired everything God's hands have touched...
and just sat in the glory of His world...
that He  allows us to tend to...
and His creations are so inspiring...
and we discovered that the old white bird bath chair had collapsed...
the cold frames awaiting bloomers...
and the chair has been retired...
and a new one took it's place...
and we have shade...
and sun spots...
and just pretty everywhere...
and the clouds just floated softly by...
as we found new growth...
and bright colors...
larger leaves...
a barren field...
onion chives spreading...
shady limbs...
and there are plenty little violet faces...
safe from the mower...
along the edges of the day lilies...
and we finally decided to leave this here for now...
and moved this from the back to retire it from regular use to hold pots later...
it was my grandfather's...
and probably older than I am...
and it's rather tall...
and we have an onion sprouting...
and new growth on the ever greens...
and sometime this weekend...
the grapevine awoke...
Happy Easter to you...
DH and I took a drive back along the river and I will posting those photos later...
the woods are blooming...
and it is so beautiful....
until later...


  1. What beautiful promises you found in your yard, Tete. I love looking at things through your eyes...they are filled with wonder and awe at all of God's good creations! Happy Easter Sunday- xxoo Diana

  2. It is all so beautiful. I love Spring and when everyhthing comes to life. Blessings!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!