Sunday, April 24, 2011

our Sunday drive...

today we went south west of town...
and there is water everywhere...
with more to come tonight and tomorrow...
all in the country is not always just nature at it's best...
some of our ravines contain cast offs...
and of course there are animals...
cows and goats here...
and this is the way to the river...
along these roads are ravines and creeks...
a small pond...
in all it's glory...
a pile of old tires along the road...
the road twists and turns and follows the natural line through the woods...
roots exposed from erosion...
and the woods are full of spring blooms...
new growth...
swollen streams and fallen limbs and trees...
another ravine...
an old vintage car rusts silently in the over growth...
an open gate...
an old silo and horse trailer where a home no longer stands...
long forgotten...
hints of blue carpet...
this is already high...
and the coming rains will see it rise more...
while the under growth is well on it's way...
the canopy is just beginning to appear...
prairie life is not always flat and boring...
especially around the rivers...
where gorges and valleys have been carved out by rushing waters of earlier springs...
centuries have cut through the prairie soil and rock to make some really unique places...
and home to deer, coyote, racoon, squirrel, skunk, fox and others...
a place where the plow has not changed the view...
 I hope you enjoyed our prairie come to life...


  1. What a wonderful Sunday drive! It is sad to see the pile of tires just dumped! The rest is soooo beautiful and there is nothing like a walk in the woods!


  2. I felt like a kid in the backseat with my nose pressed against the window looking at all the things you've highlighted while on the drive. Thanks for sharing...
    More rain here too in NJ! :(

  3. G'morn sweet Tete ~ I am so enjoying your country drives ... this is the highlight of any day for me ... exquisite sights & beauty. TY for the wonderful company on this drive. So look forward to many more.

    Have a beautiful week.

  4. Love those images Tete~ I hope you had a wonderful Easter! Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!