Sunday, April 3, 2011

It was a very good day...

and it started like this in the morning with it in the 40s...
but there is more growth on the lilac...
and the skies looked like this so the guys were trying to get some things finished up from yesterday...
but the wind was strong and soon blew those gray clouds away...
and we made one more trip to the burn pile at the land fill...
and we drove around town and past the golf course and saw Canadian geese...
and back home to finish the south side...
and it was great sitting out here but the wind was just too strong and coming out of the south...
so back to the other side we went...
by this time I have taken off one of my hoodies...
and then the skies looked like this the rest of the day...
and the rose bushes are starting to grow their little leaves...

we did lunch...
went for another drive...
took 106 photos today...
Craig met Rebecca at the antique mall and moved my booth...
just my cabinet...
she is going to move another shelf in there next week...
Craig brought supper home...
then DH helped with my shower because I was so tired...
and then as soon as that was done...
I got sick and have been in bed ever since....
but I had a good day...
and it was 77 out by the this afternoon...
and I have had the best time...
so here I sit...
eating mashed potatoes and drinking 7up...
but it was so worth it...
I almost felt normal...
thunderstorms are coming in after midnight...
and tomorrow night it's going to be down in the 30s...
but after that it all looks good and the temps keep rising...
saw 2 tulip trees today blooming...
and so many daffodils and grape hyacinths...
no tulips- we need rain...
several out mowing...
maple tree...
spring is coming...
just hang in there...
it's going to be worth the wait...


  1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I've said it before your my number one and only blog buddy.(lol) It looks like it has been busy around your place and it looks really nice. I need to clean my outside up. I'm glad you had a good day and got to go out and enjoy it. I'm also glad you put up your picture on your blog. .It is a good picture. It is suppose to be strong storms here and has been windy here to today. I'm hoping you have another good day and may God bless you.

  2. Tete thank you so much for your loving words. I can actually leave comments again...crazy computer problems..what would/will I do without my techie daughter when I move to Iowa??????????? call on the phone...sigh...I love all the work going on at your place as I have been checking in - just couldn't say so here....but now that I can...Would you hire out your guys to come down here and do my yard?????? I am gonna have to get the whip out and spur my guys on to do the same thing...!!! ;-) Hugs to you bloggy sis...God Bless today...


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!