Friday, April 29, 2011

the perfect day...

after we hit the flower shop, we got the mail, stopped at the store and then did a road trip in and around town...
this and the next two photos are one yard...
it has so many mini gardens...
they use a golf cart to go from place to place and have the most interesting plants and decor...
then around the corner and down the street is so much color...
and a house down are white blooms...
a newly listed house...
in need of tlc...
is getting a new roof...
not sure, but I would bet someone picked this up...
now out of town...
are wilds flowers and full ditches...
standing water...
a corn field...
a very old corner fence post...
farm decor...
a prairie mail box...
a wonder wood gate...
and back home...
we have shadows now...
and little spots of shade...
we snuck another flat home...
we have a hybrid popular grafted with a cotton wood...
this is all the little white thingys flying through the air...
looks like it's snowing...
tomorrow is promising strong winds so I hope it blows these all away...
some of the pots we did...
white dianthus and pansies...

been a long day...
I totally overdid it...
so tonight's walk was in the chair just at sundown...
so we decided to do a fire...
and we sat around it for awhile...
then came in and started sorting photos...
took 125 photos today...
so you are only seeing a little portion of what I took...
got a list for the guys to do tomorrow...
I may not be able to move...
but they can handle it...
God is good!


  1. Great shots! It sounds like you ave had a busy day! Take a bit of time to rest. Hope your weekend is wonderful. Hugs Anne

  2. Lovely photos around and about. Loved the cow mailbox.

  3. Love these days, warm enough to work in the yard but cool enough in the evening for a outdoor fire.

  4. What a wonderful "tour". It looks like you might have pushed yourself to the limit, Tete! I love the gardens you showed and I have to the COW mailbox missing it's HEAD? We have an oil tank down the road a bit that is painted like a cow...seriously...well, as long as I don't have to look at it in MY yard everyday! Have a good,restful day! xxoo Diana

  5. WOW! Your neck of the woods is beautiful! You really took some wonderful photographs. I took my gran-daughter over to a nearby park recently and we took over 500 pics of her. At 11 months old I think about 20 turned out! HPS.. Marcia

  6. Tete, You sure were busy. Glad you got out and enjoyed the beautiful day. I still say wished we lived closer we would be a hoot together. I love to shop for flowers and sight see. Just makes my day.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!