Friday, April 8, 2011

Pink Saturday...

this is my neighbor's tulip japanese magnolia tree...
(thanks, ladies, for helping me identify this tree)
it is beautiful today...
I have watched it grow over the years...
it was very small when I moved into the neighborhood 28 years ago...
and it never fails to bring a smile to my face...
hope your weekend is sunny and bright...
and you are able to enjoy the pinks outside...
and that they make you smile, too...
join the party and spread the smiles!


  1. Hi Tete... That would make me smile too! It's funny... it looks more like a magnolia than a Tulip tree. Maybe in your area you call them Tulips.. here in NJ they would be Magnolia's.. Tulip trees in our area have a yellow flower with an orange center and their flowers are hardly noticable amongst the dense green leaves. True tulip trees are classified as shade trees rather than a flowering tree.. but, again, that tree is magnificant!

  2. Cool! We just all call them tulip trees here. I didn't think we were in the right zone for magnolias. But I don't know anything for sure about them. Never looked into it. I don't remember seeing these trees in Ohio, so some of the plants and trees here are different than what I grew up with.

  3. Tete, I just saw where they call it a Magnolia in NJ. In Florida, I "think" that's called a Japanese Magnolia. We think of a magnolia as a HUGE tree with white blossoms. My neighbor has one of those beauties, and I so enjoy it. You got some excellent shots of it. That's one of my favorite trees, too. Just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your great pictures with us.

    Happy Pink Saturday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  4. I think these are one of prettiest trees ever. I would love having one. This one is so big which makes more blooms to enjoy.

  5. just gorgeous, they are pretty much done blooming here

  6. They really are so lovely and your photos are divine! Happy Pink Saturday to you...hope you have a great weekend :O)

  7. I'm not good with names of plants and trees so I'll just call it beautiful.

  8. Happy PINK Saturday Tete! Beautiful photos, I love Tulip Magnolias. Ours bloomed a few weeks ago, well sort of. Ours does not like where it is planted and never blooms like it should. I'm going to move it in the fall. Oh and I can't wait to see your Peonies bloom! They were my Daddy's favorites and I have such wonderful memories of Peonies and Memorial Day. Sigh, they just don't grow well down here. Have a wonderful weekend, Hugs and blessings, Nan

  9. Exquisite captures, Tete! I so love these trees & was sick when ours had to come down.

    Happy April PS ~
    TTFN ~

    FUN GIVEAWAY ends 4/10

  10. Tete-That is a wonderful tree. I think the oddest thing about them is that they bloom but yet the branches look so bare-no real green on them yet at all. I love the way they look though. You don't see many of them in this area at all. Great pictures-xxoo Diana

  11. Tete,
    Happy Belated Pink Saturday.
    Beautiful pictures.
    I have one of these trees and we were always told it was a tulip tree. Ours blooms in the spring and fall but usually a freeze destroys the blooms...this year it did not and it is just bursting with blooms...I'll have to get some pictures...I didn't think about it...our Lilac is in full never blooms long enough for me.
    hugs and love
    Simply Debbie

  12. It does look like a tulip tree! I LOVE it, I have never seen anything like that before. I wonder if I could make one grown. Thanks for sharing!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!