Friday, April 8, 2011

fasten your seatbelts...

we're going no where fast...
can your see the prices for gas this week?
up to $4 at the one place and Casey's is just under $4...
I think we need to invest in a golf cart for our next vehicle...
battery operated with a solar panel...
with the wind here lately...
maybe we could hook a wind mill up to one...
when I was a kid...
we went cruising if we had a dollar...
we would pool our change...
get 3 gallons of gas...
give the guy a dollar...
get change back!
we were good to go for the weekend!
the kids today don't cruise...
they park!
they drive to the square and park...
get out and walk around...
times change...
the kids next door meet their friends in their garage...


  1. Hi Sweetpea....the gas prices are insane! good thing we ended our trip when we did.
    Four Star gas used to be 19.9...we would fill up and ride the "circuit" in downtown Grand Rapids for hours, with thousands of other teens...bumper to bumper. Jumping from one car to the next..meeting kids from other schools. Such fun...but dangerous now.
    Those were the days, huh?
    Have a great Friday my dear friend.
    Love ya.

  2. Hi Tete..just wanted to stop back and thank you for leaving Susie such an encouraging word. It's through people like you that God causes us to feel His love.
    Bless you.

  3. $3.75 here, ugh! Hopefully, today is the 'turn around' fro all this GARBAGE going on down the road ... Sometimes I just want to get in the car, drive the 50 miles to DC & go in to 'visit' Pelosi & Reed.

    TY for your sweet comment today. We are tickled PINK with our first great-kid-ling's arrival.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!