Sunday, April 10, 2011

sun rise on the prairie...

it was awesome waking up to a 67 degree morning and spending it watching this happen...
so we headed over here to work before the winds came in...
this started out like this...
and ended up like this...
and this started like this...
and ended like this...
an on to the next job...
and the next...
level the bricks again and fill the bird bath...
I also cleaned off the potting table, ate brunch and then DH and I took a short drive around town...
got one photo and the batteries went dead...
but it was fun and so much blooming!
Craig just left for Charleston to work on my booth...
Dollar Tree run for easter eggs...
and back home by 4PM...
we could get some nasty storms later on...

praying for all of those who were in the tornadoes last night...
and the hail and strong winds...
those who are homeless now...
things can change so quickly in our lives...
makes you enjoy what you have while you have it...
nothing here is forever...

I hope all of you are safe and sound...
that you weathered the storms...
Hugs- Tete


  1. I am thrilled you'd like to join us ... I'll put you on my page link & all you have to do is link to me. Thank you for coming with us. Don't you just love them, I have over 1,500 of these little beauties ... this will be such fun. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Tete.

    I love what you have done with your garden & yard ... when you get ready to fire up the bbq, lmk, chuckle~

    Have a beautiful week, my friend ~
    TTFN ~


  2. Those skies are just amazing, Tete! We are blessed to be surrounded by such beauty, aren't we? And such a good day's work you all put into your charming yard. It is still wet and cold here, so we can't leap into spring just yet, at least not without getting stuck in the mud...LOL.

    Enjoy your Sunday...:)

  3. the pictures of the sky and sun rays are beautiful!

    we have been working out in the yard, putting some hoops around the peonies and laying some bricks and mulch. Have not made it over to Copper Eagle yet.

  4. We had some hail and heavy rains but everything is good. Your yard is really shaping up. Must be a wonderful place to relax. Have a blessed Sunday.

  5. God's luminous sky...nothing more glorious my friend. Beautiful!


  6. Gorgeous sunrise, Tete! We had a bit of sun today-unexpected but nice. We are always about 50ยบ this time of year and it got into the high 60's today...and melted most of the snow. SweetCheeks looked out the window on the way home and said..I hahte durty snow! I hate it period!!! lol

    Glad you are getting out and around a bit...that makes me happy! xxoo Diana

  7. Hi Sweetie...the sunrays remind me of the glory of God breaking across the sky. What awesome pics!!
    Your yard is loooooking gooood!!! Boy, do you guys work hard getting things cleaned up, and arranged!
    WE had storms, with some hail last night, too...but everything was fine this morning. We got into the low 80's this afternoon.
    Have a relaxing Sunday night.
    Love ya.

  8. Those pictures of the sunrise are beautiful. Those fluffy white clouds sitting in the blue sky with the sun steaming through. God's handy work. Just beautiful.

  9. Looks like you guys got a lot accomplished. I love that metal glider. Did you ever sit on one of those in shorts? Sort of leave marks. Or maybe it's just my thighs?


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!