Saturday, April 9, 2011

are you in a drought?

are you walking through a drought in your life?
have all God's blessings dried up for you?
are you unsure about today?
are you in pain?
do you have a broken heart?
do you feel like God isn't listening anymore?
how good is your root system?
is your faith deep?
or are your roots in God shallow?
freshly planted?
any garden, too well tended, to well watered, too well blessed...
produces shallow roots...
things look well on top...
but under it all, where it really counts...
the root system is almost non existent...
the roots do not need to grow deep because the blessings of water is constant...

you have to let the soil dry out for many days before you water again...
so you produce long roots and stronger plants...
so when the storms come and the winds blow...
the plant survives...
it is not torn from the soil and tossed about...
to later die when the sun comes out again...
God sends droughts in our lives...
not to punish...
to make our roots longer...
able to withstand the storms of life...
the heart ache...
the pain...
all the little dry spells he blesses us with are just getting us ready for the storm coming...
and sometime in our lives, there are going to be thunder storms...
but, if we plant our faith deep in Him...
and let our roots grow long and deep...
and we keep close to Him in our walk...
we will weather the storms...
and we will not be pulled from our faith...
nothing will shake us loose...
and he will send his blessings again...
and his love will shine brighter than before...
because everything you go through together brings you closer to Him...

if you are in a drought...
remember, He's not forgotten you...
He is making you stronger...
and He knows when you need the rain...


  1. Dear Tete,
    That is awesome. I enjoyed that very much. I do think the Holy Spirit in us, keeps our minds thinking a like...that's how it should be.
    I haven't heard from you in a while. Remember us in prayer as we will be going to have some very painful tests on Richard's back to see if he needs another surgery.
    Pray you are doing well.
    love and hugs
    Simply Debbie

  2. Interesting post today Tete... and you're so right. Have a wonderful Sunday! Thanks for all your comments on my blog too! Love em!

  3. Tete, What a great post...yes being close to the Lord and leaning in tight is what keeps us strong!...A good root system is so necessary. I thought of this as I watched the huge trees blowing and bending wildly as we had a strong storm pass through last night! Hail and tornado warnings...What a good picture of needing long reaching roots that are NOT anemic!!! Your part of the country is getting really pretty!!!
    Hugs for a great Sabbath!

  4. Tete- BEAUTIFUL and touching post. Yes..I have weathered several droughts in my life...and my father always said that what didn't kill you made you stronger...I think he was right- from God's mouth to his ear- and then passed on to me.

    Beautiful Sunday reminder, Tete.

    ps. No drought here today-we have the worst rain storms we have had in years...ugh! xxoo Diana

  5. Our area is definitely in a drought. I am trying to keep my spiritual life out of one tho. Take care.

  6. Hi Tete, your post today seemed to be written just for me. thankyou so much for the reminder of God'd blessings! We are hitting the road this morning in our motor home. Over 2,300 miles. So, I am in the midst of a big drought, a drought that I would rather not be facing. But, I will remember your wise words. Take care, my friend. Hugs!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!