Wednesday, April 6, 2011


yeah, sweet...


  1. Hey Lady, These Strawberries are So YUMMY Looking, I Love Strawberries when they come in those little old green baskets.... Any Berry will do for Me & mix it up with Watermelon and serve it with a little "Rebecca Sauce" and I am in La La Land!

    Hey, I do still have the Box of books (Bad Me!) but I don't have anything else listed for you, I just checked My Etsy, nothing is reserved for you, Let me know whatever it is you want.... I will be happy to send it!
    talk soon, I am going to the scrapbooking store & to lunch with My cousin, she sure has been great, makes sure I am getting out at least 2-3 times each week!
    Go eat a bowl of berries for ME!

  2. Yum. I am guessing that you didn't pull them out of your garden. I had a few of my strawberry plants poking out of the ground already. The chipmunks tend to eat them before we get to them though.

  3. OHMYGOSH! I could lick the screen those look so good! I can't wait to have some fresh strawberries! YUM..xxoo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!