Tuesday, April 5, 2011

White Wednesday...

after our long, long, long...
did I mention LONG...
the only whites I want to see outside right now are clouds...
with a bright blue sky behind them...
but on this post...
I'm going to be throwing some color your way, too...
because it's spring...
my first tulip...
and the clouds are just wonderful today...
and so is every tiny little leaf and bloom...
and it just makes you smile...
and all the white and blue and green are so welcome here...
and I have a few buddies who are still buried under white...
I hope all their snow melts this week so they can have spring, too...
but until then, I will share mine...
 with April...
the showers will begin later this week...
so these can get bigger...
and so the lavender will smell sweet again...
I have a thing for clouds...
my dad used to take me flying through them...
are you ready for roses?
oh, some of the blogs have them already...
I can't wait for them to bloom...
some people love flying on clear days when you can see everything for miles...
not me...
I like to fly above the clouds...
and then down through them...
and then back up again...
I can tell you one thing...
I did not have enough clothes on...
the breeze is stiff and cold...
I did have my ear muffs on...
maybe I should wear them on the outside of my hoody...
we were supposed to be in the high 50s...
but it hasn't gotten out of the 40s yet...
but, it's still better than 20 with snow and ice...

Happy White Wednesday!
Hop on over and join Kathleen's Blog Party...
there are so many more whites there to enjoy!


  1. so glad to see you out walking!!!

    It did look pretty. My cousin is staying at 1515 this week with her daughter and grandchildren, they sent pic from the dam and on the square..it looked gorgeous! I walked up town to vote today but it got cool quick!

  2. These photos are wonderful--I especially love that first photo--it fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  3. Tete, after a very stormy start to our day it turned out to have the bluest skies ever this afternoon, just like your photos, which are gorgeous today. My Dad used to take me flying too. :) HWW xoxo Lynn

  4. Don't you just love it when plants are all fresh and just starting to pop! I just love blue sky and puffy clouds...no more grey winter skies is just fine for a long, long time after this long, long winter!!
    Happy WW!

  5. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share today. I love seeing all the green popping up everywhere, and of course who doesn't love clouds. We used to lay upside down on the merry-go-rounds just to watch the clouds go round and round. What memories those are. A gentler time in our lives hu?

    Don't you look precious? I am so tickled to see you. Yes, you should have been wearing those ear muffs on the outside of your hoodie. I mean how cute would that be. I have always loved ear muffs. I had a white pair as a kid. Momma would just pull the covers off, wash them, and put them back on. They did keep the wind out of my ears.

    Oh sweetie, a beautiful share. I have so enjoyed visiting with you this evening. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  6. Oh Tete, good to see you :) I love your big fluffy clouds and blue sky. It’s so fun to see the green things popping up and knowing their are even more colors to come. Even though it was chilly--it was a beautiful day to be outside I’m sure.

  7. So Pretty ~ I took a bunch of Nature pics too for W.W. I went out to visit My Sweet Lady this weekend & took my camera.... so gray & gloomy around here, but at least it is in the 40's, infact yesterday when I took most of the photos, it was in the 50's can't wait for the Sun to show it's Shiny face & the warmeth to come.... Miss Ya ~ I Just noticed that I am NOT logged in,
    that would take too long, so Know it's Me
    Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd

  8. I loved the pictures of the sky.. I could get lost in the blue sky and puffy white clouds..

  9. Good morning Tete,
    I love the clouds! I have loved them since I was a little girl. I especially love lying on the beach and looking up at them!
    Last Summer we had taken one of our little grandsons to the beach with us and he couldn't understand why I kept taking pictures of him and the clouds! LOL There was more bright blue sky than big puffy clouds that day but next time, if there are big puffs of white up there, I'm going to have him join me looking up and watching all the mountains and animals take shape up there!
    No sign of tulips in my yard yet. A couple of warm days, and it will make a big difference. Spring is so late coming this year!
    Thanks for your visit and your nice comment. Hope you're having a lovely week.


  10. Lovely skies - spring is coming!!!

    Carolina Mountains

  11. Hi Tete! I'm so glad that you could make it outside today - if only for a few minutes! It was cccccold, wasn't it??? But you have things growing in garden, you lucky girl! Everything is pretty much brown here yet, but the grass is showing signs of life. :) I'm loving your new header, friend! Soooo pretty! Blessings on a great week, girly!

    xoxo laurie

  12. Hi! I'm Becky and I came over from White Wednesday! I LOVE your white! Nothing like big puffy clouds to make the day just right! I love how they are never the same...I especially love the clouds at the beach!! They make for the perfect beach day!

    Hope you get your growing weather soon, and can warm up and cut flowers!!
    It's nice to meet you!
    Have a joyful Friday!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!