Friday, April 15, 2011

tonight's slop...

to start with...
I cubed and boiled a batch of potatoes...
drained and dumped them into my cake pan for the base...
then on top of that, I dumped in a can of diced tomatoes...
fresh onions on top of that...
then a layer of hamburger fried, drained and ground in the processor...
add a package of taco seasoning...
some cheese slices on top of that...
and a can of refried beans...
you need to put them in a bowl and add a little water...
mix until creamy...
then you bake that at 350 for about 15-20 minutes...
when it smells good, I pull it out...
top with taco sauce, sour cream and cheese...
they said it was very good...
my version...
mashed potatoes, taco meat, taco sauce and sour cream...
I can do this on a good day even with the IBS...
I had a good day, so I got to do taco stuff, too...
it was good...
FYI- slop for us, are my own recipes...
things I make up as I go...
that have no name...
so this was Friday's slop...
it's a great way to get rid of left overs...
and I tend to stick to what ever is left in the fridge, freezer and cabinets right before we stock up again to get rid of anything that we have had for awhile and just didn't use...
things that normally don't go together, but end up being some of the best meals...
and it was ready when DH got home...
Robbie is always glad to see everyone come home...
and the yard got a little bit of rain today...
I think the worst is yet to come...
and the darker clouds are moving in...
tornado watch until 9pm...
the only thing I don't like about living on the prairie...
and in tornado alley...
we get some hum dinger storms in the spring...
have a safe night and heads up...


  1. Hey Tete, Thought you would appreciate this, Now I think the dinner looks Yummy, I am all about putting stuff together, My kids use to call them "Mom's Concoctions" and 90% of the time, they were Yummy too....
    Well, My Grand Eme (3) asked me what that was, she is sitting on my lap & I was telling her, the potatoes, then the tomatoes & I told her that is what You made for dinner, She kindly looked at Me & Said, "Don't make that for me (her)!"
    Oh, what comes out the mouths of Babes....

    Extra Cheese & sour cream for Me Please.


  2. Your "slop" looks really good and filling. You know we're all about the comfort foods.

  3. That looks delicious! We had pancakes, eggs and bacon for dinner tonight - breakfast for dinner! It was good but now I find myself hungry again. I am on Weight Watchers, so if I'm good I'll eat some celery or fruit. You said you'd lost 37 pounds - good for you, Tete! Congrats!
    Have a good wknd, my dear friend. We plan to go to a Japanese Tea room tomorrow a.m.

  4. your slop looks good! stay safe in the wind coming tumbling down the plain!

  5. In my house we call it mustgo..everything must go...and it's always yummy! Hope your weather does not produce any tornado's..that you dont need...

  6. Great dinner! We love green chili on mashed potatoes! I am getting excited about Nick running tomorrow. It will be a busy day. Come visit soon. Hugs Anne

  7. Looks delicious Tete.. I like the name Slop... I call my creations, "LesRipes" lol...

  8. Oh my now I am hungry! I loved your comment about my beefcake husband! Gotta love these hotties that lend us a helping hand, I thought I was going to die laughing when I read your comment! Love it! Happy Pink Saturday sweet friend.

  9. My mother always called her creations "slumgullion"...whatever she had was added to the pan. Most of the time it was pretty good...sometimes..not so much.
    With eight kids, you do what ya gotta do to feed them all!
    Hope you weathered the storms. We are getting rain and some bad winds again today.
    Enjoy your Saturday!
    Love ya.

  10. Whoa! that looks yummy! Anything with taco seasoning & hanmburger ... I'm in!

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!