Saturday, April 16, 2011

Walnut Point State Park...

is located 3 miles north of our town...
DH and I took a drive through here after lunch...
things are blooming and leafing out...
the trees are still bare...
there are many places around the lake to have a picnic and fish...
it is windy out and you can see the wind moving the water...
another area for a picnic or group fun...
a camp site...
there are tent camping sites, too...
all along the road ways are fun surprises...
there are some ever greens...
and play grounds...
concession stand...
boat docks...
boat ramps...
rental boats...
not quite time to put them in the water...
but soon...
the under growth is very green...
the signs look like this...
this is how all the road ways look...
and purple is dotted here and there...
there are a lot of deer in here, but we didn't see one today...
it is raining a bit...
so they are laying low...
and this is coming out of the park...
we have spent so much time here in the past...
it's where we camped with the kids summer after summer...
we've fished the lake...
hiked the trails...
had picnics and cook outs...
birthday parties...
eat or just get ice cream...
the kids grew up here...
and we always drive through just to grab some inner peace...
it's so full of that...
and chipmunks...

so what did you do today?


  1. OH!! I enjoyed the tour...because, that is where we have the Galbreath reunion! we moved it there because it is so shaded and there is elect and restrooms!! alwaya a good thing..ha ha
    It will be here before you know it!
    the sun just came out here so I am hoping for yard work all day tomorrow.
    have a great evening, friend.

  2. Thank you for the tour Tete! I would love to see the same in a month or so... I love camping and have camped in a place similar to this. It's nice that you got out to enjoy the day and thank you for sharing your trip. :)

  3. Ok, this reminds me so much of our wonderful state parks in Michigan. Now you are making me homesick:) Nothing like spending some time in the great outdoors, glad to see that you are getting out and about:) but hey, I am expecting you to do a post on glitter soon!!!! tee hee!

  4. What a lovely place! You inquired about your hydrangea; I believe it is only the endless summer type of hydrangeas that are blue or pink. There are many different types of hydrangeas.
    Hugs, Tete


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!