Tuesday, May 3, 2011

around the square...

this old barn sits behind a house on the square...
it has been there at since at least the early 1900s...
if not before...
they would have kept horses, the buggy and a milk cow in here...
hay door...
then there is this white picket fence between the barn and chicken coup...
the little doors were for ventilation on hot summer days...
it's covered in ivy now...
the east side...
northeast side...
the south side...
then we picked up a new geranium...
I usually don't like them...
but how can you say no to hot pink?
Craig got it for me for Mother's Day...

I had a dark purple one a couple years ago that I loved!
but can't find it in that color now!

the sun will come out today...
or at least quit raining...

we are having our City Wide Rummage Sale this weekend...
they are calling for rain on both days...
if it rains...
it won't be a good rummage day...

do you have a City Wide?
we have them here in the little towns...
there will be tons of sales in one area and you won't be able to drive around town for all the shoppers!
we have 2 a year...
it costs $5 to get on the list and they advertise in all the area papers...
people come from miles around to grab the goodies...
when they first started...
I would take my ford ranger...
and when it was full, we would come back, unload and head out again...
I used to get some good stuff!
of course, there were ones who let me in early...
which is always nice...

have a great day!


  1. I bet Rebecca will be out buying!!

    Love looking at old barns, so many are almost gone. One south on 130 by Fox ridge blew down in one of the wind storms...hate that.

  2. Good Morning Tete Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share today. I love seeing this old barn. If only its walls could talk. Can you imagine the stories it would share with us? Thank you so much for sharing this morning.

    I love your new geranium. That color is so beautiful, perfect for PINK Saturday. I have never seen a purple one. Darn I bet that was breathtaking. I will have to keep looking as well.

    Oooh what fun. I miss the small city sales. Living in the big city we don't have those, but what fun it would be to pull up to your house, pick you up and off we would go. Fun, fun, fun. I hope you will get to gad about town and find a few goodies.

    Have a glorious day sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. Such great pics, gal! A city wide rummage sale! Now that's a little piece of heaven, I'm sure! Hope you find lots of treasures!! Then come share them with us!!

    Your town is simply charming!
    Have a joyful day!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!