Tuesday, May 3, 2011

White Wednesday...

this week I'm posting vintage Mother's Day images...
and I want to wish all the mothers a wonderful weekend...
my mother passed in 1994...
and it's been so long since we have talked face to face...
she was the biggest influence in my life...
and is responsible for who I am today...
if you still have your mother on this side...
make sure you hug her while you can...
and happy Mother's Day to all the step moms out there...
for they step into shoes that are sometimes hard to fill...
but they hang in there and love you, too...
Happy Mother's Day to my step mom, Paula...
who has loved and taken care of my dad...
no matter what...
Happy Mother's Day, mom...
you are always in my heart...
for more whites...
click on the link...


  1. Lovely Mother's Day images! My favorite is the first photo. I think I have that same image somewhere. lol.

    Thankfully I still have my mother and I am so glad that I do!!

  2. Beautiful..and words well said for Step-moms...hard shoes to fill.

  3. Wonderful post Tete... I still have my mom and don't tell her I love her near enough.. Sorry I've been so distant... it's been challenging to say the least with working 6 days a week, getting home no earlier than 7:30p, then eating, usually falling asleep on the couch, writing my work blog and my personal blog... You're never far from my thoughts.. Leslie

  4. Oh Tete Sweetie...
    Such a beautiful share. I simply love these images. Our Mom's played such a big part in our lives. We are who we are today because of the way we were molded by our Momma's. I am SO thankful I still have Momma at 75 to love and to cherish. She is my rock.

    I thank you sweetie for such a beautiful tribute this evening. Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  5. I love this post!! The pictures and the poems. Thank you!! And Happy Mothers Day to you!!

  6. Thank God for good Mothers-A good mother can direct the course of life...and I know that you are in that league, Tete! Hugs- Diana

  7. Such a sweet post. Makes me miss my mom.

  8. Beautiful Post Tete, such Perfect sentiment & Amazing cards.... Wish I had My Mom here to Hug, she was Heaven bound in 2002, I'm sure she knew she was Truly Loved!

  9. What a precious post. Thank you for sharing such sweet sentiments and beautiful images! Happy Mother's Day!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  10. What a beautiful post and wonderful images!

    barbara jean

  11. Tete, this is such a beautiful post, words and the vintage images.
    Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day!

  12. Beautiful cards and pictures, Celeste, victoriantailor.com

  13. SImply beautiful ~ I can't leave your page. The narration is wonderful (who is this?) Im a bit teary eyed. Happy Mothers Day to you Tete.

  14. loving your vintage Mother's Day cars and the sentiments. Have to say my fav is the little boy not so happy to be playng the violin!!

    coming from White Wednesday...


  15. Lovely images. Lovely words!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!