Tuesday, May 17, 2011

cloudy day...
and I have had a bad day...
but got up, showered and dressed, Craig loaded up our supplies...
and we headed to my friends furniture and flooring store...
I shopped for my friend over the weekend for some store decor...
I came up with these place settings for a beautiful round table...
and then we placed items here and there...
and I was so sore...
so we didn't stay long...
and I came home and edited the photos I took and started him a facebook page for his business...
he has 12 followers already!
and about 2 I went out for a short walk and to take a few photos...
love this iris...
only have a handful...
almost lost all of them a few years ago...
so I dug them and scattered them about....
a fun petunia in a pot...
the lilac isn't dead and it has some really hugs leaves on it now...
and a hint of things yet to come...

been pushing it too hard and it finally caught up with me...
so, I have been getting up every now and then and doing a job and then back down...
rest a bit and do another small job...
trying to work the soreness out...
Craig is snoring on the couch...
not a lot going on right now...
I still have a couple hours until DH gets home...
so may take a nap, too!

I am so blessed to be moving at all...
God is so good to me...
have a great day!


  1. I was afraid all this might catch up with you, Tete! Take it easy today and tonight..and I hope tomorrow finds you recharged. Looks like you got a bit done even though you weren't feeling good! Hugs-Diana

  2. how neat that your doing some tablescapes for the furniture store! looks cloudy there, was sunny here until about noon. I had a picture of your booth on my 2nd to last post (cousins weekend).
    take it easy!

  3. You accomplished a lot in spite of being tired, and the blue iris is stunning. You go girl, or should I say, take a nap? You decide.

  4. Oh Tete Sweetie...
    Slow down and take time to smell those flowers about in your garden. You are pushing yourself just to darn hard. I continue to keep you in my prayers sweetie. I pray that tomorrow will be a better day.

    I love your choices for the furniture store of your friends. How beautiful the table setting looks. You have great taste.

    Rest tomorrow and have a great rest of the week. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  5. Iris are my favorite and yours are beautiful!

    Take care of yourself.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!