Monday, May 16, 2011


another busy day for me...
2 walks this morning...
under my own steam...
then Craig and I hit the grocery store...
he pushed me while I pushed the cart...
it worked...
then home to get started in the home office/craft area on one side of the kitchen...
going through boxes, bags and shelves...
sorting what get kept, going to my booth or hitting the trash can...
was doing good until I pupt out...
the photos are from our yard and what we have blooming now...
well, part of what is blooming now...
it is cold today...
it finally just hit 58...
it's ok if this is going on...
but let a cloud roll by...
and it's down right nippy...
there's quite a bit of wind...
this is the biggest bloomer I have right now...
I used to have 13 beds of these...
down to 3...
what the flood didn't take...
I downsized...
I started out with a grocery sack of these from a friend...
iris are my favorite...
I wished they lasted all summer...
they used to use my iris for the flowers for the stage at graduation here...
we would cut and cut and cut...
and you couldn't tell there were any gone...
and then they would use my ferns, too, to go in with them...
I think I am going to have to thin out the ferns here a bit...
need another color in here...
it's all growing up so fast...
rain all weekend didn't get any yard work done...
next weekend looks like the same thing...
y'all have a great evening...
we're doing spaghetti...
and probably an early night...
gotta get Craig up to get some more done...


  1. Hi Tete, Your Gardens are so Beautiful, just a few things blooming here~ We now have the COLD weather, downstairs people have had the heat going for 3 days now, I just wear a sweatshirt upstairs, cause the heat does not make it Up! from 83 on Friday to 48 this weekend & today, No Sun so it Feels COLD! I have been clearing out stuff myself, I found some pillow cases to add to your bunch, I think there are the mates to a few you got before.... I hope to get to the post office this week~ Man I Am Slow! anyway, back to the clutter ~ Thanks for Brightening Our Day with the Blossoms... Miss Ya xox

  2. Your flowers and ferns are amazing. I love irises too! It is cold and windy here today but at least it is not raining! I don't think we got much past 50ยบ here today! UGH- Off to a meeting for me here! Have a great night~! Love to you--Diana

  3. things are looking great your ferns are huge and your iris is soooo pretty! Went to Copper Eagle and saw your booth and even took pics ..looks good and u even had a cousin card I bought!

  4. The Iris' look stunning. I love the ferns too.. I would divide at the end of fall. Hope you're feeling better!

  5. I love irises too, Tete. Yours are so pretty! I really miss mine! I do have alot of fern here, though! And I think 58 degrees would be considered warm here:) You mentioned needing another color of flowers for that one planter. How about white? Ok, I know that white is technically not a color, but I think it would be perfect in that spot!!!

  6. Oh, Tete! Your iris are fabulous! And look at those exquisite ferns!! What a grand garden you have.

    My iris are JUST starting to come out ... anxious to get back home to see what's going on in the garden. I ut new ones in lat fall & don't want to miss their blooms ... wish they lasted all summer, also.

    Don't you just love gardening ... I love to walk thru the gardens in the morning when the mist has lingered & just spend time with Him & the beauty He has given us to enjoy.

    I wrot eyou on your darling Love Is..., also ,sweetie.

    Have a beautiful eve sweet friend ~
    TTFN ~

  7. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share this evening. I love seeing all your gardens in their glory. So beautiful.

    Now I have got to tell you that chair in your garden? Beautiful. I took my seat broken chair, added a little burlap sack to it, planted a garden in the bag, and bloomed it is gorgeous. It drains wonderfully from the water, so it is a perfect way to have a garden in a chair. I love it. Just add a little rose moss to one, and it would be exquisite.

    Thank you for letting me stroll along Beyond the Garden Gate this evening. I so enjoyed myself sweet one.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  8. I can't believe how your gardens look already, Tete! I don't even have tulips yet! Iris are one of my favorites too. Yours are beeeautiful!!!!
    Are you feeling good? I'm glad you got out to get groceries.
    Keep taking those great pics of all your flowers. I love seeing them!
    Hugs to you.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!