Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day !

May 1st...
a vintage celebration...
birthday wishes for all born this month...
and a basket of blooms for everyone...
I'm leaving them on your door...
knock, knock...


  1. Happy May Day to you too, Tete! I don't even have my calender unpacked yet, so I forgot that it was the first! May is my very favorite month, not onlhy because it is my birth month:), but because spring is my favorite season! Have a good one, hugs to you!!

  2. With everything going on, I forgot it was May 1st! Time to flip the calendar. May has always been one of my fav months. Thank you Tete for your sweet comments this week, it means alot. xxoo Nan

  3. Happy May Day! I remember when I was 5 my grandparents moved to a new house and their new neighbor left a may day basket on the front door!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!