Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Monday Morning to you all!

I love morning light...
had to do some trimming on this tree so I could sit down out here...
but it makes good shade until the new deck is built...
and the rose moss loves the sun...
light and shadows in the early morning make me :)...
my knock out roses are just beginning to take off...
and we missed all the rain last night!
so the hose is staying out until we get some...
got up sick again this morning...
just like Saturday!
yesterday was a pretty good day...
I am so bored right now...
waiting for Craig to get back from Chucktown...
he called and had trouble with the bank on cashing a check...
we had this straightened out over a year ago so he could do the banking...
it's time to change banks...
they used to have a branch here in town for years and closed it almost 2 years ago and it's just a pain in the butt to deal with the main branch...
we could bank 8 miles north or 8 miles south and it would be easier...
oh well, so much for friendly service...
I had planning on going with him this morning...
but we did the post office first and I still was queasy...
so I had him drop me back off at home and go without me...
didn't think there would be a problem...
he writes checks on our account all the time...
we did all the paperwork to get him on our account...
now the bank can't find it...
in a small town...
things are different...
and I know so much has changed since 9-11...
we had to take our photo ids in the bank and have them copy them...
even in the Post Office...
these people know us, our kids...
when we fart...
there are so many blooms on the columbine this year...
still waiting on the peonies...
but they are supposed to be ready for Decoration Day...
I think they will make it...
my grandma used to call iris flags...
do you remember that?
oh, the best place to be in the evenings...
the ferns are great...
but it won't be long now that the japanese beetles will come out...
if you look real hard you can see the corn coming up in the field behind us...
we are going to have to move 1/3 of the ferns when the deck goes in...
sorry about the rant of my crazy bank...
it's just some days you would like to take a water gun in and soak them all!
I wonder how many of you would come and get me out of jail???
I think my guys would leave me in there for a few days so they could have a mini vacation and to make sure I learned my lesson...
it might be worth it just for the headlines...
FOX news might even pick it up...
I could be famous...


  1. I'll come get you out of jail! Just give me 2 hrs to get there! Funny...I think of Charleston as a small town now..but growing up it was the big town to go to! ha ha!
    that was stupid they put that bank out south of town anyway. why can't a bank be downtown anymore? Ok now u have me ranting!! they just tore my bank down 3 blocks from my house to make the road 4 lanes.
    but, your flowers look great! my peonies in "ctown" were blooming last week...and yes I remember them being called flags. Enjoy your mcd's. It was beautiful here but getting ready to rain "possible 70 mile an hr winds" better go batten down the hatches!!!

  2. Hi Tete,
    So sorry about your day but I hope your day gets better, the sunshine or the rain comes out for you today.(whatever you need the most)…all your flowers are beautiful, I enjoyed looking at all your pictures.
    Sweet Blessings,

  3. Well, it sounds like you had an up & down kinda day. Sorry you were queasy! Quit eating that bacon at midnight, will ya? If I told you once, I told you a thousand times you can't eat bacon and chocolate at the same setting. Well, maybe you can- I see where they are selling chocolate coated bacon now-really? Seriously?

    Everything sure looks lush and green there, Tete. Love your pictures.

    Well, if you want to walk into a bank with waterguns blasting let me I can keep FOX news turned on loud. If you DO it -go for a standoff- much more exciting!..Demand chocolate and clean underwear!

    okay-enough foolishness from me for one night- xxoo Diana

  4. What a great porch!! Everything is so green and pretty.

  5. Oh girl. I'm lovin' all those gorgeous garden pics!!!

    Sweet blessings
    barbara jean


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!