Sunday, May 22, 2011

can you guess where I have been?

well, got up this morning a little bit better than yesterday!
so DH and I headed for my bff's house...
it was sunny here when we left, but storms were popping up all over...
so we thought we would go ahead of them...
but it was raining at Rebecca's!
you can see it raining across the field here...
and she wasn't home!
so I got a few shots and we came back home...
see how dark it is?
and we came back to sunny skies here...
we still haven't gotten any rain this weekend...
my peonies are trying...
I haven't dead headed my iris...
bad me...
but they are still full of color...
and we walked around a bit so we could dry off...
and the front trees and bushes are so full now...
we had a few clouds off and on...
I can't wait to get this reworked!
it's going to be so cool...
I got some pink glads that are going in between the tree and fence here...
I love sitting out here in the mornings...
my rose is blooming...
just one...
but so many more to follow...
and after lunch...
Craig and I headed back for Rebecca's...
her cell phone is going straight into voice mail so I can't call ahead to see if she is home...
but she was! 
and Craig walked around for me while we talked and got some really cool shots of what she has blooming this week...
isn't this an awesome shot...
this is by her smoke house right behind the house...
and these are all along her fence out front...
this is the back side...
her iris are wonderful!
and she has the best pink peonies...
just look at those huge blooms!
and they line the front of the fence...
it was so windy today!
she lives on top of a small hill...
and the views are so great...
over miles of fields and farms...
creeks and hollows...
then we got to go in and see all her "new" old treasures she has gotten since I was last there...
and it's been awhile!
her babies were so excited to see us...
Maggie is the ring leader...
she rules the roost and lets you know that you must pet her first...
I forgot to take dog biscuits for them...
I won't do that again!
and then we spent some time with Miss Kitty and she didn't hiss at me at all...
Miss Kitty is 18 years old and a bit cranky sometimes...
she let me pet her and she is so soft...
she looks so much better and I think she feels better, too...
she is going blind and you could tell when she walked around that she used her other senses more to manuver...
but she is doing so good to be that old...
white cats with blue eyes are usually deaf...
and if you have one with one blue eye and one green...
the ear on the blue eye side will be deaf...
have no clue why, but that's how it works...
so any hearing she has is wonderful...
when I got home...
Bebe ran all the way across the yard to get to his momma...
such a spoiled little guy, he is...
so that's what's been going on today...
Rebecca had been in to the antique mall and saw my booth and thought it looked really good...
I don't think I could get one more thing in there...
so hope things fly out of there so I can take more in...
well, have a great evening and rest up for Monday morning!


  1. Hi Tete! It's so nice to meet you and your lovely blog! Beautiful flower pics! You gave me inspiration to finish filling all of my empty pots!

  2. I love Rebecca's place. When I was there it was so serene, like you said up on the little knoll overlooking the farm fields. Her flowers are gorgeous. and yours look great too! Alot of hard work!

  3. Tete, Your iris are just beautiful and so is your rose. I love Rebecca's peonies too. Spring, and flowers - a blessing from God.
    Love you, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!