Saturday, May 21, 2011

our 70% chance of rain didn't happen...

it started out cloudy today...
almost blooming...
and I was sick yesterday and got up that way again this morning...
but we headed for Chucktown anyway...
redid my booth...
forgot my camera so I can't show you...
stopped at Doug's...
Dollar Tree...
KFC and A&W had 49 cent ice cream cones...
so snagged 3 of those to eat on the way home...
and we did lunch and took a walk...
and then throughout the day, I shot things here and there...
my medicine is making me sick to my stomach...
it is a side effect...
and I still have a week to go...
DH took a nap this afternoon...
and I got one late afternoon...
then about 2 hours before it got dark...
we were outside again...
and DH started a fire...
while I took these...
everything is so pretty and will only get better...
it's 76 out now...
just perfect if it weren't for all the bugs...
don't know why they are so bad...
I have more cans to plant tomorrow...
so DH and I sat around the fire and watched the neighbors come and go...
tonight is our HS graduation night...
and we listened to the sounds of the neighborhood...
weekend sounds...
you know they are different than weekday sounds...
and this late, there were no mowers...
just people doing their thing...
dogs barking...
kids playing...
and the sound of the fire consuming it's fuel...
how quickly fire consumes whatever it touches...
and I thought about the things in my life that have consumed me...
earthly things...
things that when you have just enough and keep it in the proper perspective...
warm you and are a comfort...
but when I go too far...
to the extreme...
I get too close and it consumes me...
like shopping...
collecting things...
things that I can't take with me when I go...
things that don't really matter...
people matter...
my family...
my friends...
I need to be a collector of people, not things...
a collector of moments...
sunrises and sunsets...
rainy days...
sunny days...
every smile from my kids...
every hug...
every kiss...
every hello and every goodbye...
for it's all those things that matter...
that we need to hold close...
and keep them safe...
and treasure...
not the clearance racks...
not the newest thing...
or the oldest thing...
and the most precious thing we have on earth is God's embrace...
we need to spend more time there...
and then we would know a blessing when we saw one...
and we would really know what treasures are...


  1. my favorite evenings are sitting on the front porch at 615 or 1515 and like you said, listening to the sounds of the neighborhood..with my family and or furry family members next to me. The simplest things are the best.

  2. I love sitting next to the fireplace, either outside or inside. Your 70% rain is here in NJ again today...

  3. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share today. I love strolling around the gardens with your Beyond the Garden Gate. One day, perhaps, for real. Wouldn't that be grand?

    I so enjoyed the fire. How wonderful to sit and listen to the weekend sounds. We hear lots of gunshots here in Phoenix, so we try to be safe and stay under the patio cover. Not in the open yard. Sad but a big part of living in a big city.

    I am sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. I will continue to pray for a little relief soon sweet friend. Darn that medicine anyway.

    Off to study. Tomorrow is my big day to shine. I have to be on top of things for this interview. Please keep me in your prayers sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!