Friday, May 13, 2011

a quick post before I head for bed...

some photos I took today while we were out and about...
the sore throat is strep for sure...
which is in my mouth and on my tongue now...
even though I feel better...
it looks terrible inside and totally raw now...
so I picked up the phone today and made an appointment for first thing in the morning...
so tomorrow should be fun...
and I am not really happy about having to go...
and I would say this is contagious...
so I will sit in the truck and wait at all the other stops...
we did not get any rain at all today...
but they are still calling for it tonight and the weekend...
but there are blooms everywhere here...
the trees are getting fuller...
there has been sunshine and clouds...
and just enough of a breeze...
but tomorrow's high is 58...
25 degrees cooler than it has been this week...
I know that's why so many are still sick around here...
we never know how to dress...
but the farmers have been going full speed...
and I would say most of the corn is in...
so off to gargle with my salt water and into bed...
wish me luck...
and don't forget to pray...


  1. Sorry to hear you have Strep - my daughter wasn't feeling well and they determined she had Pharyngitis - she came home to have mom care for her - hope you get better - fantastic pictures,

  2. Tete, Your garden is glorious! Feel better soon, sweet friend.
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  3. Tete, Hope you start feeling better. You have been sick for a week or longer. And strep..... Yikes!!!! Makes you feel so bad .I've had it. So take care and just REST!!! you will start feeling better in a few days...and be able to get out and enjoy that beautiful garden... May God bless you, Darla

  4. I hope your strep throat is gone, Tete. Your flowers are gorgeous!...Christine


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!