Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Pink Saturday...

this week's pinks in our beds...
rose moss...
the last of the tulips...
knock out rose...
and the final day for this tulip that lasted so long...
the tulips are officially finished here now...
as they decrease...
the summer flowers begin...
hope you have a great pink weekend!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday, Tete! Your flowers are lovely. My tulips still haven't bloomed. It's a very late Spring here on the Island and it's soo cold too. Thanks for your visit and have a wonderful weekend.


  2. We are also having a very late Spring so I really, really enjoy seeing all your lovely flower photos. You're pictures are beautiful.

    Happy Pink Saturday to you :O)

  3. Your flowers are lovely. I had one lone tulip bloom this year out of many. Not sure what the problem was, our iris still haven't bloomed. Our late cool temps are holding everything back.
    Happy Pink Saturday. hugs ~lynne~

  4. With the crazy weather we are having, we have to get out, enjoy and smell the flowers or miss them.

  5. Tete, your florals are gorgeous! The columbine is such a lovely shade ... I don't have this one.I am STILL digging in the dirt, 2 flats left to go.

    Have a beautiful PINK weekend.
    TTFN ~

    5 day GIVEAWAY, pop over

  6. Nothing prettier than pink flowers! Looks like May flowers have arrived at your house.

  7. Oh Tete, the flowers are wonderful! I always look forward to seeing those lovely spring blooms. I hope you have a nice weekend, and happy gardening! Hugs, Terri

  8. Hi sweet Tete, it's looking gorgeous in here this week. Love those pink blooms.
    Happy Pink Saturday, Char
    I am in love with your header. You could not have said it any better.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday Tete Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share today. I love strolling through your garden with you Beyond the Garden Gate. I love rose moss, and you would not believe how hard it is to find it out here in the desert. Mine sadly did not come back this year. It has in previous years, so I am back to searching again.

    Love those gorgeous tulips. SO pretty. You have such a green thumb. I just know you love the warmer weather, and are so enjoying being outside in the fresh air, and scentful gardens.

    Have a glorious weekend sweet one. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  10. I just love your moss rose! When my Grandma passed away 25 years ago, the sisters all went out and dug up a portion of her moss rose. My mom has been taking hers from place to place all this time, as has one aunt, and it's still growing great! Did you get a new design for your blog? It looks lovely! Have a great week!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  11. Beautiful flowers!I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog. Hugs!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!