Thursday, May 5, 2011

rummage finds...

to sell in the booth...
I don't really need it in my booth...
my booth is very small...
but someone else will grab it...
I know what it's used for but can't think of what it's called...
so if you could help me out here...
it's going to be a stand for something fun...
that I will show you later...
going in my booth to sell...
love the details...
for my kitchen windows for spring and summer...
in the washer now...
hanging watering can...
will get a paint job and go in my booth...
bedroom lamps...
will sell as is...
and there's the haul...
also got an end table for $5...
what do ya think?

got up late...
really late...
was sitting here trying to wake up enough to get a shower and dressed...
and wouldn't you  know it?
the mower guys show up!
yippee skippy...
as Rebecca would say...
so throw something on...
go out and talk to them and pay them...
back inside...
go get  the mail...
stop by the hardware...
didn't have what I wanted from the sale flyer...
on our way home and see a sign...
circle the block...
you know how it is...
my first in a couple years...
not very much good stuff at all...
but I got the best they had...
and it will give me something different in my booth...
and I can make a little, too...
not a lot...
but that's ok...
because it's the thrill of it...
now, to play catch up...
so much to do and the day's almost gone!

is it nap time yet?

have a super fun day!


  1. You found some good stuff~ I bet the watering can will be really cute repainted!

  2. You are a great bargain hunter and then pass some of treasures along to others, in your booth. I am amazed at what you found for $1. The watering can is very pretty.

  3. Nice Haul ~ thats a Chaffing Dish, it would have held a glass dish in that shape with a lid & the raised center part would have held a warming candle.... I think it would look wonderful with a Beautiful Fern.... I think My Daughters are taking me to a Flea Market on Saturday, or at least I suggested that they Do~ will be the first flea or sale for the Season.... Off to clean, I've been putting cleaning off, since I seem to want to spend an Enormous amount of time on the Computer. Plus, I have already had My Nap!
    Talk later xox

  4. So glad you are out and about grabbing your own finds!! You did good!

    Yes, I went for the Aleve today! It was suppose to rain so I worked still has not rained Oh well!

  5. WoooHooo...You did good! Yep- that's a chafing dish...I have a similar one...and use it when we have big parties. You really got a lot of good stuff, I think. The best part is that you can GET OUT and get stuff! THAT is the wonderful part of it all! xxoo Diana

  6. I can hardly wait to go to my first garage sale of the season! I've been chomping on the bit to hit some up:) You made a great haul. That's a chafing dish holder, I see Diana beat me to it, though! I had a really pretty one like yours, but I gave it to my sister before we moved. Oh, well, at least it found a happy home!! Have a great weekend!

  7. From what you have shared with us, you should do well in your booth. Loved all those interesting things.

  8. Oh I loved all the flowers, and the stuff you got at the yard sale is neat. I haven't been to any lately, missed the one I always love to attend at the local Catholic Church, had hubby with me, and he said we don't need anything..He doesn't understand it is the hunt, not the purchase.

    Your blog is always amazing!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!