Wednesday, May 4, 2011

today's best...

Doug changed this up for me yesterday morning...
last night, it could have frosted...
so we brought in the pots on and around the deck...
and this morning I awoke to blooms on my counter...
and we had about 10 minutes of sun this morning...
enough time to do a walk about...
lily of the valley...
petunias, portulaca and dianthus...
this is a mess!
it's all over the side yard...
it comes off the hybrid popular that was grafted with a cotton wood...
by now the sun is hiding...
and it hid really well the rest of the morning...
elm leaves, iris and peonies...
new growth on the ever green...
another cup and saucer feeder...
birds on a wire...
and finally this afternoon...
sunshine again...
maple tree...
clouds and flyers...
Mr Wiggles chewing on a stick...
rose leaves...
did not get a lot done today...
3 loads of laundry...
car washed...
and now supper...

have a great evening...


  1. I worked outside ALL day, I am pooped! But I love this weather to work outside! It was cool but sunny here. Things are looking good.

  2. Glad you saved your plants from frost. It would have been a shame to lose anything that pretty. I enjoyed seeing so many different things from your garden.

  3. I cannot believe how much growth you have in your gardens!(previous post). My stuff just started poking their heads up out of the ground.
    Your flowers are looking so good!!
    Our market just opened this past weekend...hopefully I can get over there and pick up a few things.
    Keep posting your great pics of your gives me hope..LOL.

  4. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    Looks like you got alot of things done to me. Girl you have one long list here.

    Love the sun peeking through the trees always such a beautiful sight to see. Love that cup and saucer feeder. I keep telling myself I am going to put one together as well, but so far I haven't made it.

    Love the pansies. Don't they have the sweetest little faces?

    Those birds on a wire, are just down right cute. Looks like they are divided about something. 3 on one side and 2 on the other. Isn't that sweet?

    I love seeing Mr. Wiggles as always he is so sweet. Happy as a lark.

    Have a glorious evening sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  5. Tete- You sound not quite yourself today! I am thinking maybe you overdid it in the last day or so?

    Hope you have a blessed and wonderful night- Hugs and love to you dear friend- Diana

  6. Hello Tete,
    Your garden is so lovely!!! You have a green thumb, it seems as though I try to grow things but they just don't live :(
    What's the secret?
    Enjoy your day!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  7. I found your blog through Verde Farm and it is lovely. Your banner is just beautiful. So calming and refreshing!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!