Friday, May 13, 2011

We're back on...

so what did you do when blogger went down?
a little anxiety?
not me...
I aggravated my family!
doctor's appointment in the morning...
white bumps in my mouth now...
tongue raw like my throat...
so let me know what you did while we were apart...
and I will do another post later and show you more...
Craig's waiting to do my PT and he is not happy that I am posting...
talk later!

1 comment:

  1. I just sat in front of my computer and stared at the blank Blogger screen!:>) Seriously, I got off my butt and got a few things done! Hope your bumps go away. Sounds like strep to me~ Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!