Tuesday, May 24, 2011

White Wednesday Time!

thought I would share a couple things outside today...
the first is white wicker...
a white wicker chair with a bad seat...
perfect for a pot of hot pink flowers...
in between a couple of vintage ice cream chairs that I use for tomato cages...
and some new white petunias I picked up today...
one of my buddies thought I need some white...
and she was right...
Happy White Wednesday!


  1. I'm loving the idea of using ice cream chairs as tomato cages!!! You're very clever!!!

  2. What a beautiful photo of your wicker chair with the geraniums, Tete! Soooo pretty! And what a genius idea to use that little chair as a tomato cage! Brilliant!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  3. Tete,
    I love white wicker too! And your red geraniums in the repurposed chair-to-plant-holder is so lovely. It gives such a cottage and country look. beautiful but simple...not overstated. I LOVE IT! I learn about you by seeing that. Just got some white "wave petunias" to hang over a red geranium planter. Hope they grow down and DO THE WAVE!!
    Love your White post. Hugs to you.xo

  4. I love how you use your ice cream parlor chairs for tomato cages-what a fantastic and pretty idea!!


  5. You are one creative cookie using those bistro chairs for your tomato plants!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!