Tuesday, May 24, 2011

yesterday's leftovers...

the afternoon started out great...
with big puffy clouds and sunshine...
and we walked around and watered...
and I was a little under the weather yesterday...
so this was all I felt like doing...
I went to bed really early for me last night...
and I slept all night long!
well, until 4am...
I missed my dose of medicine...
so I am not sick this morning...
so I'm trying to get some things done real quick before I take it again...
then it will be me and the clicker on the couch...
I hope there is something good on HGTV today...
this was the last shot I got before the clouds turned gray...
and it got dark...
the winds picked up and there was a lot of thunder...
and Robbie and I waited for the rain...
but it didn't happen...
so Craig and I have already watered this morning...
and I have had my walk...
scrambled eggs down...
need to do a quick trip to the store...
and probably stop in and see Kyle this morning...
have a flat to take in...
more soap to make it smell good and 3 more arrangements...
some more figurines...
and then maybe a nap...
or another walk...
we had 82 here yesterday and today should hit 80...
not bad...
have a great day and check the last post for more images...


  1. I know how you dread taking those meds, Tete, when you know what the outcome is going to be~

    Great pictures from yesterday.It is looking very green..and WE are finally greened up here too. Not all the trees are leafed (leaved?) but we are getting there.

    Hope your day is wonderful. xxoo

  2. I love that huge birdcage! I love all your photos. Enjoy your day! Love and Hugs Anne

  3. Tete...I LOVE the metal/glass bumble bee creation ~~ so cute and original! And of course ....I ALWAYS (heart) Robbie. He reminds me so much of my Annie Grace (silkie) whom I miss....:-( Have a wonderful day ...maybe sunny with few clouds????? xo and hugs...

  4. Your flowers are beautiful! Can you take those meds at night? Sometime I do better with something if I take it right before going to bed.
    Hope you have a good day.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!