Monday, June 20, 2011

the air is so thick, you could cut it with a knife...

it's 83, but feels like 90...
and we have been dodging storms all day-so far...
the island is filling in but could use a few more things...
this was on my early morning walk...
before breakfast...
I looked out and thought I had better get it in while I could...
I need some larger plants in here next year...
just need to do some planning and think about what would do the best here...
the skies were dark all around, but we didn't get any of the rain...
and once, the sun tried to come out...
but it didn't last long...
the walnut out front...
I am so glad the squirrels planted so many of these around...
I have been drawn to pink and white this year...
I change every year on what I like...
one year it was yellow and purple...
that looked good, too...
dusty miller...
sometimes, I don't do this at all...
but this year...
it's overboard...
my spider plants are really taking off...
all they wanted was out of those dinky pots...
I used to have so many of these in hanging baskets all around the deck...
when we had a deck with a roof on it so I could hang things up...
these were moved later this morning to hang in the side yard...
petunias are blooming again...
the pansies have lasted longer than I thought they would...
may have to bring them inside when it gets too hot for them...
they are just a happy little flower...
with so many different colors...
the snap dragons are getting ready to do it again...
they were so pretty when I brought them home...
can't wait for it to happen again...
just love this plant...
I love the variation of the colors...

after breakfast, we went back outside...
then back in for a nap...
thinking it was going to rain...
but nothing...
should have kept puttering...
got the kitchen floor mopped by hand this morning...
washed the bottom cabinet, stove, dish washer and fridge while we were down there...
smells like Lysol in here still...
I feel the need to do something creative today...
like drag out the sewing machine and see what happens...
I have curtains, peddle pushers to alter...
pillows to make...
can't keep half of my pants up anymore...
need to take some in...
there's a couple night gowns that the arm holes are too large for my tastes...
oh, the jobs are endless...
I think I remember where I put the foot peddle...
if I can't find that...
I can always paint...
have a great day!


  1. It is humid here too, Tete...but not overly warm. Love all your flowers and I go back and forth on Dusty Miller too. Funny. I hope you found your sewing machine pedal..and make sure you don't sew the bottom of your nightgowns closed cuz you know how hard it is to pee when you do that!;>) Later-Diana

  2. your pansies look great! mine are all leggy and getting dry. Some of the ones in the ground still look good.

  3. Where do you live? I am with you in the humidity department. South Louisiana is a swamp anyway!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!