Monday, June 20, 2011

Love is...

and my DH does this so much...
especially when I am not feeling well...
he sneaks around so he doesn't wake me...

Joining Marydon for a Love Is love fest!
go check out this sweet lady...


  1. Good Morning Tete Sweetie...
    Oh I love this Love Is this morning. I am usually the one giving DH five minutes more. He is a late sleeper, and I am up with the rooster for sure. Even on days off, I just cannot sleep in. I have to be exhausted to over sleep.

    Loved your share with the flowers. They are just exquisite. So many we want to buy, but sometimes it is just wonderful to browse and I dream a lot about what I would do with the ones that I see.

    Right now, our poor little garden is doing everything it can to hang on. The heat is just unbearable, and even with water, they are sad looking. I keep trying though.

    As always I love coming Beyond the Garden Gate.

    Hope you have a beautiful week sweet one. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. G'morn, sweet Tete ~
    We both do this for one another! More he, than me ... I require 8 to 10 hours sleep a day, he's like the owl.

    Love your flower browsing. The other day we went to Lowe's & parked near the garden center. I told Harold, 'DO NOT go in that entrance!' He asked 'why'. I replied 'I have NO self-control!' He laughed. I need more plants like 'not'.

    Hope you had a lovely Father's Day with your family, Tete.

    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~

  3. Sometimes those types of things show us the most precious kind of love! xo Diana

  4. tete the door was $49 at Home depot! I took the gingerbread in the corners off my old door, so they are wood but the rest of the door is vinyl! Can't beat the price!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!