Wednesday, June 8, 2011

another hot day in the neighborhood...

Daphne thinks it's hot already...
just wait until this afternoon...
DH is off to work and so is Craig...
which leaves me alone with all the rugrats...
so I got in an early walk...
before they left and before the temp starts to rise...
wanted to show you all the spider (airplane) plants we picked up yesterday for $1 each...
and my old bird cages...
I love spider plants...
picked up a couple spikes, too...
I am saving cans again...
got the last of the dusty miller...
3 4 packs...
I don't think I need anymore of that...
but I love a variety of color and texture in the foliage...
my wave petunia is doing better after the accident...
in moving things around...
the kick stand was in soft dirt and the bike went over...
dumping the basket...
not bad after being scooped up and shoved back in...
they are opening this morning...
cute, huh?
these are on the back side of the shed, too...
we have decided these are going white...
to match the glider...
we have been eating the onions out of  here a little at a time...
and the flowers are doing good in partial shade in the hot afternoons...
there are a few white whispy clouds today...
and the sunrise was beautiful this morning...
but it all too soon started warming up...
I am looking forward to Sunday...
clear skies with a high of 77...
then next week back to more normal temps...
we had 97 here yesterday...
the whole country is hotter than normal...

we are having chicken for supper tonight...
fried potatoes...
nothing too hard to do...

I have been doing so well lately...
God is smiling on me everyday...
and I still have so much more work to do...
the therapy is the key in all of this and I am so lucky that my family never gave up on me...
they keep pushing and cheering me on...
they have been there every step of the way...
and regardless of the outcome...
they will always be there...
the prayers on my behalf are being heard...
and I so appreciate each and every one of them...
pray for my guys who are stuck doing all the work...
who have to wait on me...
who have had to change their lives so I can fit in...
it's as hard on them...

I think while it's so quiet here...
and all  the animals are napping...
that I will join them...
if there is enough room on the bed...
sometimes you have to scoot them over...
have a great day...


  1. Daphne is gorgeous.
    I am happy to read you are doing so well, and like the photos of your Oriental lilies, as they are one of my favorite flowers.

  2. Hi Tete!!! you are sooo right about the heat! but I'm not going to complain...LOVE summer weather!
    Your gardens are so sure have a lot of container gardens too.
    That wheel barrow with the little one inside is so fun!!!
    You are one blessed gal. You are being taken care of when you need reap what you sow, and you didn't sow any weeds!!!
    Hugs, and kisses.

  3. Tete- Everything is looking great. I'll bet it was kind of weird to have everyone gone this week! It is hot here too...way hot...we broke all records the last two days. That will teach me to complain about the cold Spring.

    Off for a salad with MyHero. Have a great evening-xo Diana

  4. Daphene is so sweet! so happy that u r dou\ing so well!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!